Friday, October 19, 2018

dollar dreaming

I may have won the lottery

     Ok, so they have not actually drawn the numbers yet, but I may have won!  I could win, because I bought a ticket.  They only people who have no chance of winning are the ones who did not buy a ticket. 
     Yes, I know I am more likely to be hit by lightning than win the lottery, but oh my gosh!  It is almost $1 billion!!!
     That's' almost enough to qualify me for governor of Illinois!!
     Not that I would win, but I could if I entered the race.  Anyone who enters the race could win....just like the lottery.
     There are lots of things that could happen to me.
     I could be cast in a movie after being discovered doing a local theater production.
     I could stop a bank robbery, providing I am at a bank during the time it is being robbed and the robbers are not armed and are only about 4 years old, maybe 5, and have a fear of taller people.
     I could go to Africa on a photo safari and take a picture that motivates the entire world to give up buying ivory, poaching animals, and killing the beautiful creatures for fun.  I could.  But I probably won't.
     Other coulds in my life:
     I could clean my desk, again.
     I could go through the last two boxes in the garage that need a going through.
     I could wax the kitchen cabinets.  I probably will do that soon because they are a little spotty.
     I could ride my bike for the first time in two weeks......and I probably should.  I came so close to my goal but I don't know if I have enough  rideable days (for me, anyway) to reach the goal.
     Lots of coulds in life.  We all have them.  Some are logical, some completely illogical.  Much like me some of the time.
     Now it's time to read, listen to the blues, mellow out for bed, and dream about being almost a billionaire.
      Truth be told, I am almost a billionaire.  I am just short $999,999,100........and that's an amazing number to write.
     Good night.......sleep tight.....don't let the gremlins  bite....everything will be all right.

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