Monday, October 15, 2018

a little late

I finally decided to do a project today

     Vacuum the cold air returns has been on my list for a couple of weeks.
     Today I decided to clean them.  And change the batteries in the smoke detectors.
     So, I cleaned them.  At 10 p.m.
     It didn't take long, but it was 10 p.m.
     And I tried to change the batteries, but I was afraid of forcing the old ones out.
     So I You Tubed it.  And I watched a guy show me how to hook up a hard wire  detector, how not to load a 6 ton rock in a pick up, a man cutting down a tree in front of his house, and finally, a short video on changing the battery.
     Turns out, you do have to force it a little.
     I don't think now is a good time to do that.  Tomorrow will be much better.
     Maybe I'll get an earlier 9:30 p.m.
     And big news....I threw out a shirt!!
     Seriously.....I never throw out clothes, but this one needed to go.  Showed signs of wear, was a little too tight across my belly, and it looked old.  So, out it went
     Progress, my friends, comes in little steps.
     Now, I am going to make little steps toward  bed.  Hopefully I get there before midnight.
     Peace out.  Don't forget to vote.

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