Tuesday, October 9, 2018

a new toy in the garage

I bought a new lawnmower

     It's big.  It's fast.  It really cuts.
     It cost more than my first car.  Actually, more than my first two cars put together!
     Why did I buy?
     Every time I cut my lawn after the Fourth of July it looked lousy.  And I was cutting a lot.  With all the rain, the heat, the fertilizer, the grass was growing too fast.
     I usually cut at 3.5 inches, but that was too long, so I moved to 4, then 4.5.....and it still looked bad.
     So I decided it was the mower.  I looked at one, test drove Emily's, and ordered it.
     Meanwhile, the dealer took my mower as a trade.  But when the new mower was slow to come, they sharpened the blades, replaced a bearing, and brought it back for me to use until the new mower arrived.
     It worked perfectly!  Cut great, no matter the height.  It was the dull blades that were causing the problem.
     Monday night I got my new mower and today I mowed.  It is faster, cuts better, cuts wider and is really comfy to ride.
     Dummy me, I started out and made two turns around the yard and thought this thing didn't cut very well at all.  Then I realized I never engaged the blades.        Once I did, the cut was fast and clean.
     Halfway through the back yard it started raining.....so I never finished.        Tomorrow I will have to get back in the saddle again.
     Go figure.
     Happy dreams, pardner!

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