Monday, October 22, 2018


I had quite the day today

     In a good way.
     It didn't start off exactly great.  I told Linda and Dan I would meet them at Petro for a trip to Starved Rock.  Confirmed with Dan last night that we were meeting at Petro.
     So I was perplexed when I could not find them as I drove slowly through the Walmat parking lot........  I don't know how far I went until I realized Walmart is not Petro.
     But all is well that ends well.
     We did the fall trolley tour at Starved Rock.  It included a leisure trolley ride through the park and Utica, a hike to Ottawa Canyon, a visit to the dam museum, and lunch in the lodge.
     It was a spectacular day.  Not a lot of color in the leaves, but the canyon was beautiful.
     I live about 1 hour from the park and can not believe that I don't visit there more often.  I would love to go back and hike to some of the other canyons and have lunch in the lodge.
    By the way, the lodge is amazing.  Built in 1933 as a CCC project under FDR, it is massive beam after massive beam with massive hand built furniture abounding.
     The hike to the park was cool, except for when the lady fell down the hill and rolled into a semi dry creek.  I did not laugh then, but did later.  It was something I would do.  She was not hurt....just damp and leafy.
     It was such a nice day I decided to mow when I got home
    After mowing I decided to get a bike ride in....made 8 miles.
     After riding I decided to take Corki for a short walk.
     After all that, I decided I am tired.
     But what a night.  Looks like a full moon, there is a hint of the odor of burning leaves in the air, and the night is crisply cool.  A great night to camp out.
Anyway, here are some of the highlights.
From the dam museum

Diver Dan from WGN....anyone remember him?

Do you see a boot? The toe is in the center left, and the mossy green is the boot going running horizontally make the sole.....

Council overhang

No, it's not upside's a reflection in a pool

Council overhang


Looking out of the overhang

Furniture in the lodge is huge!

Starved Rock lodge

Joliett......the fur trader

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