Tuesday, October 23, 2018

a final post???

You may not hear from me again

     Because at 10 p.m. tonight, I will will the lottery and immediately become one of the richest people in the world.
     Sure, the odds are 1 in 302 million, but I'm feeling lucky!
     I wonder what it is like to be that rich.
     I read an article in the Trib today about JB Pritzker and his remodeling of the mansions.  At one point his wife flew to Italy to pick out the marble for a bathroom.  That is rich.  She also flew to Paris to meet with an interior designer.
     $20 million here, $20 million there and with a couple of projects in mind I could spent $40 million easily.
     Not even close to what I will win.
     $5 million to brothers and sisters, $3 million to nieces and nephews, $1 million to cousins and second cousins and I still have a heck of a lot of money.
     A fund for free tuition for all college or trade school students in the area? Done.
     Museum addition?  Done. VCCT renovation of Lincoln School?  Done.
     Gifts to friends?  Done.  Money for people to improve local resident's houses? Done.
     A donation to the MS Society for research to find a cure?  Done.
     Money for the Rochelle Area Community Foundation?  Done.
     And I still have a lot of money.
     House in Switzerland?  Done.  Funding for food pantries in the state?  Done.
     Getting homeless people off the street? Done.
     And I still have money left.
     But I promise not to run for public office.
    And I promise not to waste money by getting a lot of $100 bills and spreading them all over my bed so I can roll naked on top of them.  Or by going to Italy to pick out marble for the bathroom.  If anything, I'll go for the wine.
     So, it was great having you read me. 
     Parting is such sweet sorrow.
     C'mon lucky numbers!!!!!

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