Wednesday, October 24, 2018

don't ask

I will tell the truth, most of the time

     Do I like my hearing aids?
     Do I like hearing better?
     It is noticeable when I have them in.  I can hear things I didn't hear before, like a turn signal in the car, kids talking, the tv on a lower sound level.
     But I don't like wearing them.  I don't like putting them in my ears. I don't like taking them out of my ears, I don't like having to rely on something artificial because my body is getting old and parts are starting to weaken.
     There.  I said it.
     I went for a check today and went over my list of questions and concerns.  They were all answered, with the words of caution that these are new and it will take time for me to adjust.
     Here's what is amazing, and frightening.
     The good doctor (And I mean that sincerely...she is amazing!  Patient, comforting,  informative....I really like her.)  took my devices and plugged them in.
     After a few seconds, she told me I have them on an average of 11 hours a day, I have adjusted the volume twice, I have been in situations that were quiet (60 % of the time) and noisy.  The only information was how many times I ate ice cream during the two weeks.  (3).
     I  repeat, this technology is amazing and frightening.  We can be tracked in our cars and in our homes.  Big Brother knows all we do or say, and sometimes think.
     Of course in my case, most of my thinking is x rated, while my body is PG.
(I don't know what that means, but it sounded funny in my head.)
     And if you are a regular reader, you will kn ow I did not win the $1.6 billion....but some lucky person did.  I wish them well and I hope they do a lot of good with that much money.
     Good night, sleep tight, don't let the monkeys bite.

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