Sunday, October 21, 2018

stranger danger

We all need to be aware of strangers

     We drill that into our kids.  And we should.
     But I wonder if sometimes that is why little kids are a little hesitant to approach me when I am at my volunteer gig.
     Or maybe I am just funny looking.
     I do need to teach Corki about stranger danger.
     Today we went for a walk.  On the way home a van stopped and the passenger's sliding door opened.  There were some little neighborhood kids in the car and they wanted to see Corki.
     Corki obliged by jumping in the van!  She did not hesitate...that door opened and she was in!
     The kids loved it, of course.  I am sure mom won't mind cleaning up the two pounds of dog hair left behind.
     So I will add that to our lesson set.
     We have been working on paw for about 4 months.  We go through the same process each night. 
     "Sit Corki."
     She sits.
     "Paw, Corki."
     She looks at us like we are aliens.
     Gently taking her paw, we hold it up and say, "Paw.  Good Girl.  Paw."  And then we give her a treat.
    We repeat the process 4 more times with the same result.
     Four months.  I think she has moved a paw twice on her own.  And it moved slightly....probably a muscle spasm.
     I know she is an old dog, but so am I and I learned new tricks. 
     She is good at "Sit."  Moderately terrible at "Stay."  Fairly good at "Corki, Come."
     Now we have to work on, "Don't jump in a stranger's car."
     Meanwhile I am trying to figure this out:  If we have a smart TV, can we stream stuff off the Internet without using Airplay or Apple TV?  If so, how?
     That may be a new trick I need to learn.
     Over and out........time to put this old dog to bed.

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