Sunday, October 14, 2018

miss me??

I took last night off because.....

     Guy Camping Weekend!!
     Ok, I just gave it that name.
     Usually the guys I grew up with, John and Dave, go camping in the fall.  We went this weekend.  Well, Dave and I went.  Three others who were going had changes in plans.
     They missed a fun time.
     Personal note?  (Not for the squeamish.)  I have a two person tent I usually share with John.  I tend to stay up late and when I go into the tent, I unzip the fly, then zip the fly, then zip my sleeping sack inside my sleeping bag, then zip my sleeping bag and usually at this point I am laughing hysterically because I am about as quiet as an elephant dancing on a drum.
     Last night I had the tent all to myself.....and John should be glad.
    We ate lunch at the Rafters, one of my favorite places.  I had the brisket topped with onion rings and American cheese.  And I had a very good beer from the Lena Brewing Company.
     For supper I had a spicy Italian sausage topped with just a dash of giardiniera . And some Doritos.  And a couple of mint Oreos.  And then a burger.  And more Doritos.  And more Oreos.  And a glass of, shall we say, beverage?  Or two??
     I went into the tent, zipped all the zippers, repositioned my sleeping pad and tried to get settled.
     It was cold.  At some point, I suffered from a bout of ......... flatulence.  I flatulated and because it was cold, I snuggled down into my sleeping bag only to be driven out by the foulest, strongest, nastiest cloud of toxic fumes that ever came from a person's body.  It happened again.  The tent reeked.  I moved my head to the tent door and opened the fly a little to let in air.
It did not help.
     45 minutes. 
     John can count his blessings.
     There are a lot of pictures......maybe too many.
     Oh well.

The tree was huge!!!! 
Bridge out...proceed with caution

Fun guy at the camp!  Get it?

Best part of camping

And folks, this is Apple River Canyon State Park....a true treasure!

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