Tuesday, October 16, 2018

can't do it

I just can't go to bed early!

     Here it is, after 11 and I am still up and wide awake.  Was it the three cups of coffee I had today?  Anxiety?  Tension?
     I have not even tried going to bed, but I will in a few minutes.  I am kind of chilly now and the bed will be nice and warm.
     Well, I hit the one week mark of a major lifestyle change.
     No, not diet or exercise.  No, not in avoiding procrastination.  No, not in being better organized.
     I have hearing aids. 
     I now am old.
     These are behind the ear plug into the ear ones and are almost invisible, except for the wires that go into my ear.
     Yes, I can hear better at times.  I am still getting adjusted and honestly don't know if they are in correctly most of the time.
     I don't like sticking things in my body, be it needles, hands, contacts, or hearing aids.
     Some sounds are better, some are not.  All sound a little flat, like a bad recording.
     The audiologist said if it was any comfort, the average age of people getting hearing aids for the first time is dropping about 4 months a year and people in their 40s and 50s were often coming in for testing.
     Wait until the crop of teenagers who blast their car stereos hit 30 and are partially deaf. 
     Want to make money?  Come up with designer hearing aids.  Make them hip, cool, cheap, and the youngins will flock to them.
     But that does not help me.  Aids just reinforce the feeling that I am getting old.  And no amount of biking, diet, exercise, or good living will change that.
     Now, I am dragging this ancient, prehistoric, not quite tired body to bed.
     Sweet dreams....or good morning, whatever applies to you.

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