Wednesday, October 3, 2018

so far, so mediocore

The end is near

     The end of what, I am not sure.  But someday things will stop.  Hope I am done with my to do list.
     I have actually been working on clearing out stuff.
     This, for example:

     This is a floor tile from Emily's old house...the one that went the way of the wicked witch in Oz.  It was blown away.  Not like when you see a show you like, or a concert, but blown away  by 120 mph winds.   
     Anyway, there are about 12 of these tiles in my garage.
     I think they would be great for a craft project...or tiling a really small section of floor.      If interested, let me know.
     I also have a big, blue suitcase with a lock on it.  I don't think Emily, Julia, or John want it is going in the trash some day.
     I have gotten rid of several boxes of things I was saving for a garage sale.....trouble is, I never have a garage sale.  Now, they are gone.
     Ever see flying blueberries?  I went to Aldi's yesterday and had my hands full of fruits and vegetables.  When I went to put items on the conveyor, I literally tossed the blueberries about 2 feet in the air....and a foot away from the conveyor.  There were blueberries all over the place!  The nice clerk swept them up while I went back for another box.  I told her I would willingly pay for the ones I tossed, but she said that stuff happens and I did not have to pay.
     Better to toss my blueberries than my cookies, I suppose.
     And if you like numbers, this blog has been visited by 140,000 people!   Hard to believe, after all, it's just about my boring life.
     And now I am going to bed.  I did not sleep well last night....just too pissed about the Cubs.  I know it's a game, and in this world it is the least of things I should be worried about.
     But they took me away from the real world for a few hours on game day.  I don't like the real world.  Too many people who are jerks inhabit it.
     And that's all I'm gonna say about that.
     Good night, Gracie.

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