Wednesday, October 10, 2018

A rude awakening

I keep saying how I don't mind winter

     I may have changed my mind.
     I filled up a car tonight and the wind was howling out of who knows what direction; rain, in the form of mist, was hitting my face; and it took forever to pump the gas.
     It was somewhere during that I decided I would not be leaving the house in January and February, and some days in December except when I go to pick up Julia at the airport.
     I can order food on line.  I can order supplies on Amazon Prime.  I can hire a neighborhood kid to bring in the mail.  I can download books, or just have Barnes & Noble ship them to my house.
     I won't have to shovel the drive because I won't be going anywhere.
     I have Netflix and 1,348 cable channels, of which I only watch 7, and I have every Harry Potter movie and book ever produced, along with all the Indiana Jones films.
     I realized, I don't have to leave the house!
     Church services?  Turn on the radio.
     Social interaction with other people?  I'll Skype with them, and Facebook with them.  It will be just like seeing them in person.
     We could be snowbirds that don't leave, the neighborhood hermits, the odd couple at the end of the block.
     But most importantly, I will stay warm.
     I think it's a good plan.
     I honestly don't see any draw backs.
     With that pleasant thought, I am going to hunker down under the covers for the night.
     Stay warm.  Sleep well.  Dream of peace.
     And realize it is still well above freezing.

1 comment:

  1. I think you can install one of those fancy bank drive-up tube thingys for your mail delivery. 😁
