Thursday, October 4, 2018


I made a bird feeder for a little girl today

     Ok, truth be told.  I volunteered to help kids make bird houses for a mini course project at my old school.  This little fourth grader did not get a chance to make a pop bottle bird feeder on the last day because I crushed the bottle while making the stick holes.  I promised her she would get a new one by the end of the school year.
     She is now in sixth grade......and I finally got a Round Tuit. 
     By the way, I can walk to her house.....she lives that close.
     That's how I roll.
     Why did I make it now?
     I ran into her dad recently and immediately called him by his brother's name.       He quickly corrected me and then I realized I had still not done the bird feeder.
     On Saturday I will take it over to her house along with a letter of apology.
     A little late, but hopefully she will see some birds this winter.
     I actually had a feeder blow down recently.  That was before the rains, and I could not get it back in the ground.  It's on my deck and someday I will put it back in the ground.
     I don't always like feeding birds in the summer....plenty of food for them to find in nature.
     But in winter, I like putting food out for them and I like to see them visit my feeders.
     Winter.   Coming soon.
     Nite, here now.

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