Sunday, December 3, 2017

flat land my butt

I am a little tired tonight

     It was such a nice day, I took a little bike ride.  I rode out to a friend's house to deliver a calendar.  (Yes, I have a limited supply of Daily Cash Giveaway Calendars left!  $20.  You can win up to $1,000!  But the big benefit is supporting local agencies that need you help.   I have one or two just for you!)
     Now, Illinois is fairly flat.  And I have ridden the roads out toward Chana several times, although not this year.
     I don't remember the hills.
     I know, they are not really hills, just rises in the roadway.  But for some reason, they were killing me today.
     I swear I rode uphill all the way to their house.  After a refreshing bottle of water I started  back home and I was still riding uphill!  And the hills were steeper now, almost mountains.  One had snow on the top.  Or dried leaves, not sure.  I may have blacked out from oxygen deprivation.
     Now I am worried about worms!
     Yes, that's right, worms.  More specifically invisible parasitic worms that have been found in a certain brand of bottled water.  I read it on Facebook, so I know it is true.
     But instead of reposting the article, I Googled it and found out that this was Fake!!   Not true!!  There are no worms in the bottles of water!!!
     But still, what if the site reporting the news was false was in fact a false website, administered by Russian hackers who want us to drink the water and get the parasite?  Then when we are all suffering from vomiting, nausea, weakness and mental confusion, what if the Russians swoop in and take control of the government?
     Oh wait.  That can't happen. 
     After all, the true patriots in our government would never cooperate in a plan to dupe the American citizens, would they?
     Anyway, I made it home in the darkening part of the afternoon, just in time to take Corki for a walk. 
     But I didn't have any bottled water, just to be safe.  I think from now on, I'll stick to red wine.
     Better safe than sober these days.

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