Friday, December 22, 2017

becoming unwrapped

I don't like wrapping Christmas presents

     There.  I said it.
     Everybody spends a lot of money on wrapping paper and ribbons only to have gifts  ripped asunder in less than 10 minutes Christmas morning.  Or whenever you open your presents.
     The Grinch in me looks at it as a waste of money and natural resources.
     Years ago I would get an end roll from the newspaper and use that to wrap presents.  Since it was an end roll and almost white, I could color and decorate the way I felt like doing.  And since it was newsprint, it was all recyclable.
     I honestly don't know what you do with the paper that has glitter or is aluminum coated.  Toss it?  Can it be recycled?  They won't let me iron it.
     I admit when I do wrap a present, the ends may not be evenly matched or the paper exactly straight.  No one has ever turned down a present because it was not wrapped precisely and neatly.
     Likewise no one has turned one down because there was no bow on it.
     As you may imagine, that does cause a little friction in the household during this festive season.
     While one of us is carefully cutting, carefully wrapping, and paying attention to the ends to be sure they are even, the other one is saying, "Just wrap the damn thing.  No one will notice." 
     I'll let you guess who is who.
     Anyway, after 4 days of nonstop wrapping, we seem to be finished.
     Except for me.  I have a couple to wrap.  I generally wrap after church on Christmas Eve, watching It's a Wonderful Life and having an egg nog or two.
     And I know people will be able to pick out my presents come Christmas morn!

I admit, I do save boxes......and I reuse them, year after year after year.  These are some of my favorites.

She is not sure why there is a tree in the house.

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