Thursday, December 7, 2017

that was easy

I got my labels printed

    We are some of the older folks who still send out Christmas cards.
    But one concession to age is not writing the addresses out by hand.
    In the first place, nobody can read my handwriting anymore.
    Seriously, I can't even figure it out.
    I had a note on my desk and spent five minutes trying to read what it said, only to realize it was upside down!  And reading anything Jackie hand wrote is an experience.
    I followed the directions on printing address labels.  I read them.  I followed them.  It did not work.
    I spent an hour trying, then I gave up.  I asked Emily and John for advice and Emily gave me directions on how to print them.  Easy as pie.  No problem. 
    Of course, it is using a different program, but it is so much easier.
    Speaking of old, I am developing a terrible habit.  (That should read another terrible habit.)  I laugh inappropriately.   And when it doesn't even make sense.

  Nurse taking blood pressure:  How are you today?
  Me:  I'm feeling pretty good, for an old guy.  ha ha ha ha

  Clerk:  Paper or plastic.
  Me:  I brought my own.  ha ha ha ha ha

     I even laugh when I talk to myself!
     So, is this a me thing or do a lot of us older people just laugh when we say something?
     If it is just me, I need to stop.  (He He Ha Ha)  It's driving me crazy.
     Or as my pops would say:  That's not a drive, it's a short putt.   ha ha ha ha ha

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