Saturday, December 23, 2017


I went to a hockey game tonight

     I watched the Ice Hogs play... and win in overtime!
     It was actually an exciting night.  I kept watching the people, looking for familiar faces.... like Robert or Carrie or Jen or Amanda...... but didn't see anyone  I knew.
     My niece and her family went, which is why Julia, Emily, John and I went.  So we sat, watched hockey, visited, then went out to eat after wards.
     It was great seeing them.....even though they live a couple of hours a way, we don't get together that often.
     The only bad thing was Jackie didn't go.  We'll have to have another night when they visit at our house.
     To be honest, I am not a big hockey fan.  I don't like the fights.  This game featured a couple of pushing events, but no fights, which made me happy but seemed to cause some disappointment in many of the fans.
     But that's another story.
     One more day to prepare for Christmas.....I  better get to bed so I can get up early and clean, cook the turkey, wrap, shop, go to church, wax the car, paint the bathroom, mow the yard, weed the garden.............

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