Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Hip, Hip, Hooray

Today was a pretty big day in our house

     First  Big Thing is Julia came home today!  Emily and I picked her up at the airport early this afternoon.. 
     Tied for first is our anniversary.  Jackie and I were married 48 years ago at St. Paul Episcopal Church in DeKalb. 
     I have not seen Julia in person since last January.  That is probably the longest time I have not had in person contact with her since she left.  It's nice that she is back.  Nice?  That's an understatement.
     And yes, there is a lot of wine, chocolate, bread sticks and other goodies on the dining room table.  There's a ton to put away, figuratively I mean.
     It has been a busy week around here.  I have been gone a lot.  I realized that when I opened my Yahoo mail account and there were 382 e-mails!  We have two accounts, and I use the Yahoo address whenever we order anything.  So of the 382 e-mails, most of them were advertisements or special offers.
     I did not know about click, and shift click as a way to delete e-mails fast.  I had been clicking on each one, then deleting.....which means with 382, my wrist would be sore.
     I am down to 67.  Some of them are the French lessons I signed up for, and others are e-mails I need to actually read and respond to, but none of them will get done in a hurry.
     Tonight I will go to bed tired, but happy.
     My family is together again, if only for three weeks.
     Peace and love to all, and to all a good night.

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