Friday, December 15, 2017

o holy what?

Sometimes I admit I am too funny

    And not funny as in, is that cheese safe to eat because it smells funny.
    Or, ignore what Aunt Edna says because she is a little funny in the head.
    Or, he was a funny looking guy.
    Funny, as in saying something original and totally unexpected.
    Was at the zoo today and we were talking about the reindeer.   In North America they are called caribou, but in Europe they are called reindeer.  So Santa must be European, because he has reindeer.....or maybe caribou didn't fit the rhyming patter of W. Clement Moore.   ("When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer."  Imagine it as, When what to my wondering eyes should I view but a minature sleigh and eight small caribou.....just does not sound right.  But I digress.)
    The topic then turned to bison.  We call them buffalo, but they are technically bison.  European creatures are called bison or wisent.
     I immediately joined in on the conversation by saying, "Knowing that could give a whole new meaning to the Christmas story.  What if it wasn't the 3 wisemen?"
     The two people I was talking to just stopped, then burst out laughing.
    OK, you had to be there.   Wisemen....wisent.....the three magi were actually bison....changes everything...... like I said, had to be there.
     On the way home I stopped at one of those large grocery stores with low prices.  There is one in Rockford too. 
     When you go in the one in Rockford, right after the first set of doors there are bathrooms on the right.  Turn right for men, turn left for women.
     Same exact store in Aurora.  Go in through the doors with a bladder full of peppermint mocha, turn right for the men and surprise!!!  Men is on the left.
     I do apologize, ladies.  So much for me ever running for Congress.
     With that, I have dishes to do.

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