Saturday, December 2, 2017

out, damned spot

I have a spot on my finger

I used a permanent marker and thought that was why.  So I got out the soap and scrubbed it, but it didn't go off.
I had to get going, so I spent the day Friday  trying to rub it off.
Sometime Saturday, I realized it was a little blood blister.  I pinched my finger in something.  But it looks like a dot.  Puzzling.
After getting all the lights in the little houses connected, and the trees put in place, and all the other stuff out, we turned it on.
It all worked.  Then suddenly, one did not light up.
Center house, bottom.
I put in a new bulb and  flash....that did not work after a brief blast of light.  I figured two bad bulbs was a bit weird.  I put in another bulb and..... flash!  Another blast of light.
I figured the line must be bad.
But now all the boxes are put away and I have to go downstairs and find a cord that matches.
My work is never done.
On the lost and found front, the sweatshirt I just bought but could not find turned out to be hanging in my closet all along.
Now if I could just find the retractable leash for walking the dog.....I know it is around here somewhere.
Maybe tomorrow, obviously I won't find it tonight.

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