Tuesday, December 26, 2017

didn't think of that

I decided to go see a movie today

     The Greatest Showman
looked pretty good, so I opted to go to the 4:15 showing in DeKalb.
     Now I am a member of the Stubs Premiere thing at AMC theaters.  I can buy tickets in advance, get discounts on refreshments and shows.  I can reserve a seat for a movie.  All by clicking on the website.
     I checked out the movie at about 3 and saw there were 8 seats sold.  8.  Plenty of seats.  No need to reserve a spot.
     When I pulled into the parking lot at 4:15, I knew I was in trouble.  The lot was packed.  And people were filing into the theater.
     I walked in right behind a woman and we got in line, something else I would not have to do if I reserved a seat.
     Suddenly the attendant yelled out, "There are no seats for The Greatest Showman.  It is sold out."  Then he listed two or three other shows, all with the same message.
     I said to the lady in front of me, "Did he say The Greatest Showman was sold out?  Seriously?"  She said yes, and the guy repeated it for the benefit of those arriving after me.
     So, I didn't get to go tonight.
     I learned a lesson.  Reserve a seat.  Take advantage of the program you are in for the next year.
     Now, about tomorrow........

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