Friday, December 29, 2017

time has changed me

I don't seem to be  adventurous anymore

     Today was a zoo day.  But I opted not to go because the forecast called for cold and up to 4 inches of snow.
     I did not want to be on the tollway, in the middle of nowhere, with blowing snow and cold temps in a possibly disabled I called and said I was not going.
     20 years ago I would have made the trip.
     I once was younger and a little more daring.
     There are other signs of aging creating a more cautious me.
     I always wear a bike helmet when riding.
     I don't do any repair involving electricity.
     I sniff the outdated milk before drinking it.
     I make sure the garage door is up before starting my car.
     I look both ways pulling out of the driveway.
     I cross with the walk signal and at a corner, usually.
     I wash sharp knives separate from the other dishes so I don't have to put them in the water with other stuff.  I often forget they are there and darn near stab myself when I feel around the bottom of the soapy water.
     I don't take candy from strangers, unless they are Russian females looking for information on how to vote in our elections.
     I read directions on medications.
     I avoid large crowds, unless it is the Christmas market in Chicago or a baseball game or any other event that is a fun thing to attend.
     I don't know if all of the changes are worth I still me?  And if not, who am I?
    Time will tell.  Maybe.

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