Wednesday, December 27, 2017

warm heart, cold fingers

The mind is a terrible thing to lose

     And so are my Eddie Bauer gloves when the temperature is somewhere between cold and colder than hell.
     I ventured out to buy one item and then see The Greatest Showman.  (Non spoiler alert:   Great movie!!  People in the audience applauded at the end! Even the two people near me who talked the entire time clapped.....once they talked about it.)
     Yesterday I went but the show was sold out.  Today I bought a ticket on line and  there were probably 20 people in the audience.  Go figure.
     Before the 4:15 showing, which actually began at 4:30 because of previews, I stopped at Target for one thing.
     At the end of the movie (1 hr. 45 min running time and I did not have to pee at all during it.  Thank you prostate.) I put on my coat,  hat gloves.  I figured I left them in the car.  So I walked out and checked.  No gloves in the car.  Maybe they fell on the floor in the theater, so back in I go, but no gloves.  I asked at the desk, thinking I may have left them there when I stopped to get my e-ticket scanned.  Nope.
     So I went back to Target.  Not at the service desk.  Not in the area where I looked for an item.  I thought maybe I had laid them down on the shelf as I was browsing.  Nope.
     Looked in the area where I parked.  Nope.
     Drove home with cold hands.  What kind of person loses gloves when the temp is below zero?
     Picked up a pizza, bought  raspberries and Gluhwein, headed home and hung up my coat.
     There they were.  Right where I left them
     What kind of person loses gloves when the temp is below zero?  The same kind who doesn't wear them to start with.
     But all is well that ends well.  Good movie.  Good pizza.  Good raspberries.        And good gloves for when I have to clear the driveway tomorrow.
     With that, Good Night.

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