Thursday, December 14, 2017

woe is me

I am a freaking mess

     We made chili for tonight.  I helped with some cornbread muffins.
     First off, I didn't spray the cups very well and the muffins sort of stuck to the cups....we lost the bottom quarter inch!
     I may have got a little careless with the flour or corn sweatshirt is covered with flour and batter.
     But the worst was when I was pouring the batter into the cups and I flipped a cup over and onto my slipper.  Of course, the floor and sink rug were covered in glop.
     I look like a total slob.
     But the chili was good and the top three quarters of the muffins were pretty good.
     Funny, we had about 870 dishes to do after this simple meal.  Correction, I had about 870 dishes to do.
     I can't believe how dishes multiply when you cook.  That is the main reason I don't like cooking, I don't like the clean up.
     Ah.....I can hear you thinking......when you have people over for meals you never let them help with the dishes or with the clean up.
     And you are right.  But most of the time I am not doing the cooking, just the eating, and I figure my pay is to do the clean up.
     Meanwhile, I am stuck on the Ghost of Christmas Past.  Can't seem to get back to reading.
     Maybe tomorrow.

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