Saturday, December 16, 2017

jingle bells,

I love holiday traditions

     Seriously saying that.  Putting up a tree, decorating the house, putting up the Dickens Village, spending too much money.  All traditions I enjoy.
     We took part in another one tonight, a holiday open house at a friends' place.  Great food, nice visits, good conversations....really nice time.  Thanks for inviting us into your home.
     I can't decide if the meat balls, little ham and cheese thingies or the hot choclate with Bailey's was my favorite.  And the cookies.  It was all good.
     Noticed today that I have a pile of empty coffee cups in the garage.  Seriously, I think I spent a fortune in the past week, at Cypress House and Starbucks.  I tend to get Starbucks when I go to the zoo during Christmas time.  I went to the zoo twice in the past week.  When it isn't Christmas, I go to a local shop on the way from the zoo....but I love the peppermint mochas.  Cypress House also makes a great candy cane mint mocha...and I have been there three time in the past two weeks.
     No zoo trips for a couple of I will save a little money. 
     Sometimes I feel guilty with those indulgences, but I don't have a lot of vices and I am pretty cheap, so I also feel like I have earned that sweet taste of  peppermint, mocha and whipped cream in a coffee cup.
     I guess that is another tradition, and one that I plan on keeping, just like all the others.

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