Tuesday, December 12, 2017


I have so many questions about life

     For instance:  Why are there 10 yards for a first down in football?  And why 4 tries to make it instead of three?  Who came up with that?
     Why do you get 4 balls in baseball?  And three strikes?  And three outs??  Three is such an odd number.
     Why can't we have 13 months with all of them having about an equal number of days?  Or 14 months?  Or 10?  What was magical about 12?
     Why do cars have turn signals if people don't use them?  And does calling     them bumpers make people want to run into things on purpose?
     Does GOP stand for Grand Old Party or Groping Old Perverts?
     How old can I be and still legally marry a teen in Alabama?
     Why do products go on sale when I don't need them?
     Why do inflammable and flammable mean the same thing?
     Why do some people drive fast in slow zones and slow in fast zones?
     Does anyone under the age of 50 still read a newspaper regularly?
    Why do we have a silent p at the beginning of so many words...pneumonia, pterodactyl, psychology...... why not just eliminate the p to start with?  Same with the o in opossum.
     My head hurts.
     So many questions.  So few answers.
     I think I will go to bed and sleep on it all.

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