Monday, December 18, 2017

would ya look at that

I joined the "one of them" side today

     I went straight from a left turn lane.  I looked, there was no one on my right, so I went.
     Then I got to wondering if I broke the law, because I had a red left turn arrow, but I drove trough on a green.  I wanted to turn, but I was at the wrong intersection.
     I had to take Jackie's car in for service today.  I told the guys I would wait, and walked over to Toys' R Us by the mall in Rockford.  It's a short walk.  I did not remember the toy store moved about 100 years ago, so I walked to the mall and pretended I was a senior doing some mall walking.  Wait a minute....I am a senior.  And I was walking in the mall.   Hmmmmm.......
     But the most embarrassing moment was when I put three bags of groceries into the back end of the car.  I got in drove out of the parking lot, made a left turn, then a right turn and when I was at a red light I noticed it was pretty drafty in the car.
     I checked the windows, they were up.
     Then I looked out my side mirror and noticed my tail gate was up.  I drove probably half a mile with the gate up and none of the three bags of groceries fell out.
    Since I was at a red light, I got out of the car and closed the gate only to find out I somehow turned the car off.  I don't know how I did that, but the light changed before I realized the car was off..  I don't recall anyone honking, but I would have.  I restarted it and made it through the light just in time.
     You know the Olympics are starting in a few weeks.  I was in a store where they had lots of Team USA and Go USA glasses, mugs, dishes and plates.  As I always say, nothing says Go USA like glasses made in China.  Seriously, every piece of crap was made in China. 
     My final frustration of the day?  I was looking for a doll.  (No Doug, not a real one or a blow up one, but the kind a little girl would like.)  Aside from Barbie, every doll I saw had some sort of electronic connection, battery powered movement, or some tech application.  What happened to Raggedy Ann and Andy? 
     I was looking for a doll (again, stressing .... not a girl or a blow up) that would make a good companion for a 7 year old, one she could drag around by one arm, or plop in a chair, or sit on, or take to bed. 
     I looked in five stores and had yet to find one.
     So I bought a teddy bear instead.
     It's soft, cuddly, and i think it will be a great companion for years to come.
     And yes, it was made in China.

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