Saturday, December 9, 2017

that's over!

I wrapped up my first sale day today

      Conditions improved today.  I sold items that were large, so I did not have to bring them back home.
     Funny can spend $100 on something and then 15 years later, sell it for $50.  I guess the answer is rent everything.
     Seriously!  Couches, chairs, beds, dressers.....just rent them.
     I have a terrible time parting with memories.  I just can't do it easily.
     Luckily, today's items didn't have a lot of memories for me.
     For example.  Years ago we had a pool.  This has been at least 15 years ago, if not longer.  Jackie and I saw a cheese box that we thought would make an ideal container to store towels and other pool stuff.
     So we bought it.  It was about 2 feet high and two feet wide.  It was round.  And big.  And I think unique.
     But we got rid of the pool, moved, and the box stayed in our basement.  So I sold it.
     The buyer asked me where I got it and I honestly had no idea!  I think I remember a store with a lot of cheese bins for sale.  It could have been Amish country in Wisconsin, or at Cranfest in Warrens Wisconsin, or it could have been anywhere we happened to stop.
     I have no idea how much it cost. 
     One would think an item that weird would stand out.  But it didn't.
     What is was doing was taking up space and gathering dust.
     So I sold it.
     I miss it already.

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