Tuesday, December 5, 2017

a little behind

No, I am not talking about my body!

     I suddenly seem to be behind in Christmas decorating!
     Three days ago I was ahead.  What the Christmas tree happened?
     I have not put up my pyramid, which is my favorite Christmas ornament.  It is three layers high.  When you light the candles at the base, the heat causes the blades on top to spin, making the whole thing turn on the center axis. 
     Mine has the manger scene, and I just love watching it spin.
     I think it brings back memories of a simpler time.  I don't remember my grandmother having one, but since she was from Germany and these are from Germany, I can't believe she didn't have one.
     Maybe it was imprinted on my memory.   I just have not put it up yet.
     And my train tree is still in the box.
     Why?  Because the downstairs tree is not yet, and the train tree is in the bottom of that box.
     So, between now and Monday I have to put up the pyramid, the downstairs tree, the train tree, have a booth at the vintage market in Creston, conduct three museum tours for second graders, and spend Sunday night at the zoo.
     But before I do ANY of that, I have to run address labels.  Seems all I should have to do is find them and print them.
     Unfortunately, my computer, like my desk and mind, is in a chaotic state of mislabeling and misfiling.
     My work will never be done.

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