Friday, December 8, 2017

if I were a rich man

I may have hit the gold mine

     It's called antique fair!  There is one going on in Creston today and Saturday in the Opera House.
     My friend Linda and I have talked for years about going to an antique market and getting a booth.  The event in the Opera House was an ideal time to test out my hidden retail talent.
     I have a number of items that qualify as antiques.  Plus, Julia left some Fiesta ware (which are great sellers and very collectible) and Emily had some Beanie Babies.
     I spent Most of Monday and Tuesday hauling up boxes and sorting through, looking for items to sell.
     I spent Wednesday and as much time as I could Thursday to mark items.     Some items I looked up on EBay to find a price, and priced mine lower than what is being asked on that site.
     Tonight the fair opened and I sold several items....for a total of $12.  I figured that was about 25 cents an hour for the time I put in on sorting, gathering, pricing, dusting.  And when you consider I spent $7 on supper, I am creating more debt like the GOP tax plan!
     Tomorrow is a longer day and I truly hope I sell a lot more.  A LOT more, mainly so I don't have to haul it back home.
     But the good news is, items are priced so when we get a booth at the Kane County monthly market we will be one step ahead in the prep game.
     That is, if I don't sell out tomorrow.
     Look at that...not asleep yet and already dreaming!!

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