Monday, December 25, 2017

in the still of the night

It seems awfully quiet right now

     Everybody is gone, Julia and Jackie are in bed, the presents unwrapped, the food consumed, the cleanup almost finished.
     Of course, Corki is out like a light and snoring to beat the band.  She had a busy day begging for food and attempting her ever unpopular leg hump routine.
     I am going to just sit back for a few minutes and look at the tree and recapture the day.
     There were presents galore, including a neat tool for cutting the foil wrappers on bottles of wine.  Julia gave that to me and after clean up, with all the paper and boxes picked up and bagged up......noticed the blade for the device was not in the cutter and must still  be in the box.
     So.....tomorrow I sort through the Christmas debris, looking for the box.
     Do you recycle wrapping paper?  I try, but it is not easy. 
     I'm going to tell you what the best gift I had today was....and it's not easy picking out one present.
     But I can.
     It was having my daughters home and my family together.
     Julia, Emily, John, Camryn and of course us...... and it was nice, very nice.
     Everything else was icing on the cake.  Cake, by the way, was the only food group we missed having.
     I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, a happy holiday, a great day with family and friends. 
     And to all a good night.

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