Thursday, November 30, 2017

best laid plans....

This was a messed up day

     Three things to accomplish today:  Dickens Village up, mower washed, hay spread over strawberries.
     What the hell happened?
     We started to put up the village and with the new table son in law John made us, discovered we were out of "snow."  This is the batting that looks like winter.
     So I went to Wallyworld.  Figured I might as well get gas, and while I was there deliver a calendar.....a little over an hour later I was on my way home.
     But it is only about 12:30, so plenty of time.  Should be done by 2 so I can get outdoors.
     Then the dam music box house came out of the box.
     If you have ever seen these villages, they were carefully created by some low paid Asian workers and resold at a price to people like us, who like the Dickens era and decided to collect a couple of pieces.
     Since Jackie is a little hard to buy for, she got new pieces for several years.  I think there are 15 houses, plus shrubbery, lights, people.....and believe me, I love looking at it.
     But the music box house.
     There are plug in lights that you push in until the metal hangers catch on the rim.  Then you plug them all into a power bar.
     Not the music box house.
     That plug in space isn't right.  The light fell into the house last year.  At 1 p.m. today, I attempted to take the light out of the house.  That could be accomplished by bending the latching prongs together and pulling out the plug.
     At 2:15 I took a break from that task and had lunch.
     At 3 p.m. I got the tin snips and cut the sons of butterflies and pulled the whole plug out and tossed it.
     I used another plug, which doesn't fit right.  As a matter of fact, none of the other plugs we have fit this particular house, even though they are all "the same."  And yes, if you look closely you may see the duct tape that is holding the plug in place.
     So I took a walk with Corki to "collect" my thoughts.
     It's almost 9 p.m. and Jackie is putting out the trees and people.  We did watch TV, after the lights got hooked up and everything worked.
     I even found the remote control plugs I bought last year!  All we have to do to turn on the villages and the tree is hit a button.  Simple magic.
     Jackie just yelled.  There's a light out in one of the houses.
     Better not be the music box house.  I don't think I can take it.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


I am almost done with the garage

     I started cleaning it Tuesday.  I spent 3 hours out there then, and another 3 today.  I am almost finished.
    When I clean, it isn't just cleaning.
     I move all the patio furniture in, get the mower ready for winter, check out the snow blower and try to stack as much as I can so  cars will still fit in the garage.
     I have a corner garage sale pile.....and that's when the fun starts.
     I pulled out a chair.
     This chair:

     It's a nice chair.  Sturdy.  Solid.  It's an antique.
     It's not actually my chair.  It was Emily's, part of a really neat drop down table and four chair set.
     It wasn't actually Emily's either.  We got it when Kathy was cleaning out some of her mother's furniture.
     We ended up with the table and four chairs and a little writing desk.  Vintage furniture.
     Emily was in need of some furniture for her new house, so we passed it on to her.
     Then the tornado hit.
     Emily had two pieces of furniture left:   this chair and a coffee table.
     During the salvage operation, the chair was left at my house.
     Now it sits, alone in the garage....bereft of friends and family.  Cold.  Lonely.       Uncertain of its future.
     I don't want to toss it because it has so many memories.  Emily doesn't want it because she has no where to put it and I don't think she wants a lot of memories of that particular time in her life.
     Sort of like in Holiday Inn, when they salute the general and Bing sings, "What to you do with a general, when he stops being a general......"
     What do you do with a chair, when it stops being a set?
     Suggestions welcomed.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


We joined the spirit of giving Tuesday

     Jackie won't know until we get the Visa bill, but by then it will be too late!
I donated, or I should say we donated to two charities Emily was involved with, plus Doctors Without Borders and Chicago Tribune Charities.
     I am feeling a little guilty, however.
     We made a donation to a book replacement fund in Houston but we never made a larger donation to the hurricane recovery efforts.  Somehow that slipped past me, because I did say I was going to do that.  I know there is still a need, but which charity?  Decisions, decisions.
     If I was a millionaire, I would fund lots of charities.  But I am not, so I can't.
     The group that irritates me the most is the Rockford Rescue Mission.  We make a point of donating for the Thanksgiving meal, and sometimes the Christmas meal.  But it seems we get a solicitation every other week from them.  One time I wrote on the donation sheet, "Please send us the Thanksgiving donation request only or we may stop sending anything."  That worked for a while.
     As I write that, I think about the efforts to get a homeless shelter open in Rochelle and realize I, we, should donate to that also.  Hope I don't forget.
     On another note, I started cleaning my garage today.  Two hours later, part of it is done and the garbage pile is actually growing. 
     I decided my problem is recycling.  I have a pile of plant pots for the high school, aluminum cans for Eswood School, newspapers and other neat schtuff for the zoo, plastic bags for the bag bin at Wallyworld, and my normal two buckets for city recycling.  That all takes up a lot of space!
     I may even post a picture of the clean garage when I finish, which will hopefully be tomorrow.
     Problem is, as I work I think of other things I should do...... which now numbers six items...... so I have more work to do when I am done with work which doesn't work for me!!
     And no, I was not trying to set a world record for the number of times work was used in a sentence.
     After all, that would be too much work.

Monday, November 27, 2017

not again....

I like to think I am organized

     Not highly organized, just organized.  Barely.
For example:  When I sell a Rotary calendar, I write down the number of the calendar and the name of the person buying it.  I do that just in case I see a name in the paper of someone I sold a calendar to, so I can call them next year.  (Heck, I never call anyone.  An organized person would do that.)
     I also buy those composition notebooks when they are on sale for twenty five cents or half a buck.  I figure those are good for notes and lists.
     I swear I wrote the names of 12 people in one of those notebooks.  But I can't find them anywhere.
     I have found about 8 of those notebooks, which is strange because we  go through two a year, at the most.
     Why do I keep buying them?  Why do I keep losing them?  Why can't I lose the one that has a list of things I should do?  That one is always available.
     And now that I have 7 strands of new LED lights on the tree, I am thinking ... I don't like LED tree lights.  They have a strange color.  The lights are fine, but the room seems purple or blue.  (Purple Haze .... or Purple Rain.... both songs are now running through my mind along with Barney's theme song  because he was purple too.)  Maybe they will grow on me, but I doubt it.
     And the highly organized me thought buying a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving was a great way to save time and work in the Dickow kitchen.  It was, except the pie wasn't that good.  Everyone seemed to use a lot, I mean a LOT, of whipped cream on their slices.
     We had a broken ornament and I actually threw it out!  I know last year I saved the part that broke off, but I can't find it.  Probably with the damn notebook.
     So it was tossed.  That is a rarity for me.
    Ah well.....the notebook will show up sometime in March, as will the ornament piece.  And that will be far beyond time either one was useful to me.
     Such is life.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

the end, finished, no more

I mowed for the last time in 2017 today

     Truthfully, not sure it needed it.  But now all the grass is even.  Level.  Can't beat that at the end of November.
     I still have some trimming to do....but that will come later this week.
Meanwhile, the tree is up, lit and decorated.  The outside lights are up and actually going on at about the right time. 
     The Christmas dishes have replaced the "everyday" dishes, ditto with the glasses.  Notice I did not say China.  We actually have some China.  Somewhere.  I think.  I am not sure anymore.
     The next big job is the Dickens Village.  We have about 20 houses and accessories that have to be placed.  It is tine consuming and sometimes frustrating when the lights don't keep standing upright.
     And we have a couple of boxes of decorations to put out.
     I found my log cabin, so I can burn my incense again.  Favorite holiday decoration, it is.
     We got a delivery the other day and I am a little upset.
     When it got delivered, we also got an e mail saying the package had been delivered. 
     But the next line hurt me.  When is gave details about the delivery it said, "Customer met....woman."
     They gave the package to me!  I am not a woman, despite my well endowed upper body!
     Hmpfff....maybe I better work on dressing better too.  Or at least more manly.  No more house dresses while I'm at home, I guess.
And after doing a newspaper column for the local paper for two years, I forgot to do one!  Should have had one in the Nov. 26 paper, but I did not write one for some reason.
Oh well, stuff happens.
For more the Bears!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

a traditonal timber

I cut my own Christmas tree today

      Technically I watched John cut down the tree.  It was huge.
      I can't tell you how long we have been cutting our own trees.  I tend to view it as ecologically sound.  You need a tree, you cut a tree.  So many tree go unsold at the end of the season, it makes sense to me to use what I harvest from a tree farm that only planted the trees to cut them down at Christmas.
     As I get older, it actually gets easier because the youngin's do the work.
     This year was unusual.
     We parked the car next to a tree that we all thought looked pretty good.  But you can't cut the first tree you find, that is an unwritten rule in the cut your own tree handbook.
     You have to wander for at least 30 minutes looking for a better tree, only to realize the first tree was the best but, damn it to hell, which one was it?
     No excuse this year...we parked next to it.
     We used to go to Sinnissippi Forest, on Lowden Road just outside Oregon.  I semi-knew the owners and just enjoyed the experience.  They had thousands of trees.  Most were in the main yard area, but there was the Sand Ridge lot and the Wilderness lot, where the bigger trees were.  Once Sinnissippi closed, the Sand Ridge was sold to the Prairie Preservation Society of Ogle County and they have continued to sell the existing trees as a fund raiser.  No trees are being replanted, but the area will be restored to prairie eventually.
     But I digress.
    The tree today had to be 12, 13 maybe14 feet tall.  We only wanted the top 8 feet.  The bottom was not well developed and had lots of scraggly areas, the top was good.......full and compact.
     John brought a battery powered saw.  No, it's not cheating, it's a matter of convenience.  Two years ago it took us half an hour to cut the tree with both of us using the not so sharp bow saw.  Our arms were killing us.
     Today it took two minutes.  Unfortunately, it fell on John.  Fortunately, he was not hurt.
     It was heavy, mainly because it was so large.  We cut off the bottom and trimmed up some branches and put it in the car.
     Once back at our house, we cut off another couple of feet to get it to the right height.
     By then it was considerably lighter.
     Now it is up and partially decorated.  I did not buy enough LED lights, so I need a couple of more strands to complete it.  Young Camryn came over and helped string lights and hang ornaments, which is always a fun thing to do.
     I don't know about you, but I tend to get emotional at Christmas.  Hell, I am emotional all year, but it is worse at Christmas.
     Don't get me wrong, I love the season.  But sometimes the memories, like the Ghost of Christmas Past, have a pretty strong effect on me.
     I know there will come a day I no longer have a fresh tree, cut with love, and that will be a sad day indeed.
    But for now, I am loving that partially decorated tree.

How about this one?

Hunters, before their prey

Oops....can't close the car!

Ready to decorate

Friday, November 24, 2017

ooops....I goofed

My memory isn't as sharp as I think

     Jackie read about the Cabbage Patch doll and said, "That's not what happened."
     She then explained she ordered a doll from a large national retailer.  In those days orders were done out of a catalog.
     Anyway, she placed the order waaaaay before Christmas, like September, but the dolls became hot items and were almost impossible to find.  Ours came just a couple of days before Christmas.  She did manage to get a second one, but not from a neighbor.
     OK, I was wrong.  But it was interesting, wasn't it?
     Speaking of interesting, we went to Escape to Margaritaville in downtown Chicago today.
     First off, it is not a Buffett concert.  It is a love story featuring Buffett songs.      Basically we were a pretty well behaved crowd.
     But sometimes....well, I get "excited."
     I did fins.  Despite some stares and pokes in the side from the lady sitting  next to me on my right, I did fins.
     And the characters on stage said this was a family show, they would not use the complete phrase, amending it to "Why don't we get drunk and.......  "  But it was suggested the audience could sing the rest if they wanted to.
     So when I yelled out "Screw" a few people looked my way.
     Of course, I yelled "Salt. Salt.  Salt." And so did several others in the audience.
     Surprisingly, it was far from sold out.  The mezzanine section was almost empty and there were empty seats on the main floor too.
     The only thing missing (besides the smell of weed, alcohol, spilled beer, passed out patrons, and mad dancing by the crowd) was the iconic beach ball.
     But during the last song, out they came.  The cast threw out dozens of them.  I think some people may have been confused, but a lot of us kept batting them in the air whenever we could get one.
     Since it was a theater and seating was sloped, a lot of the balls rolled to the bottom.
     We got four.
     I liked the show, except for the zombies.....can't figure that out.  But that is a whole other issue.
    Thanks Em and John for asking and taking the old folks.

A delicious turkey!!

Missed my Buffett buddies!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

like a turkey

I am stuffed

     I tried not to eat a lot, but that plan ran out with the corn casserole and potatoes and gravy. 
     I had one piece of pie, another sacrifice.
     We made an apple pie and bought a pumpkin pie.  That was actually sacrilegious in our house....we have never bought a pumpkin pie.  But  I was walking through a store and they were on sale and I thought, "This saves me a lot of work."
     We probably won't do that again.
     I am not a Black Friday shopper.  In fact, I am not much of a shopper at all until the couple of days before Christmas, when none of the items I am looking for are available.
     That's why people end up with strange gifts.  Functional, but strange.  Like fire extinguishers.  Or the right top, but the wrong size.
     The big sales were heavily advertised.  I saw one commercial where they advertised Black Friday deals on coats, shoes, a TV and ..... kitty litter.
     Now, even I know you don't give kitty litter as a Christmas present.  Birthday and anniversary, maybe, but never Christmas.
     And the people lined up at 4:30 a.m. for a shot at a new game system....never would I do that.
     There was one year, however, that we scoured northern Illinois for a Cabbage Patch Kid.  Never found one, but we had a neighbor who had a couple of them and shared one with us so our daughter would not be disappointed Christmas morning.
     True story:  My dad was hard to buy for.  In fact, he was hard to live with.  He didn't much like anything people gave him.  There were even some presents he had in his tiny closet, unopened from previous Christmases.
     He smoked Marlboroughs, (which isn't spelled correctly but I am too full to try to look it up.)  And drank Budweiser.  And loved walnuts.  .
     Back then, everyone smoked.  Even doctors.  Sure, we all knew cigarettes were bad, but we just didn't realize how bad.  Or we didn't want to know.
     Anyway, I started giving him cigarettes and walnuts for Christmas.  Diamond brand were his favorite.  Throw in a nutcracker or two, (the metal kind) and he seemed a happy man.
     Fast forward past his death, caused by cancer and heart issues related to smoking...go figure.  I went to the house to help clean out some of the areas so my mom could sell it.
     I opened a cupboard on the back porch and was buried in...... yup, walnuts. 
     I still have a hard time figuring that out.  Maybe in a previous life he was a squirrel, I don't know
     Hope you Thanksgiving was happy and you created great memories with your families. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

double the pleasure

I have a follow up on yesterday's missive

     Julia's birth was no picnic, but Emily fared a little better.
     We were living in Rochelle, on the south side.  The doctor was in Rockford, as was the hospital.
     Emily was supposed to be a bicentennial baby...July 4, 1976.  But when July 10 came around and Jackie was as big as a house, some decisions had to be made.
     The doctor gave us three days.
     Like I said, we were on the south side.  There was no overpass, yet.  If she went into labor and a train blocked the tracks, then I was going to have to deliver in the back seat of a Chevy Nova.  I did not want that.
     In those days, trains blocking tracks were pretty common.  I had a friend, Bob, who was an engineer for BN.  I saw him one night at the high crossing, where the engine of his train was sitting, and had been sitting, and continued to sit, for a long time.
     Bob told us he was westbound and all was well until the engineer in the caboose radioed up and commented on all the lumber along the tracks somewhere this side of Steward.  Lumber? Thought Bob.  I don't see any stinkin' lumber.  And his being a westbound train, he knew he didn't have any lumber because that always came from the mills out west.  When he hit Rochelle his train was flagged to a halt and could not move until the load was re-secured.  Seems some wood does go west.  It took hours.
     We did not want to be trapped on the south side.
     The point was moot when it was decided to induce labor.  So we did a casual drive to the hospital and the delivery process began.
     At one point, I thought Jackie was going to pull every hair out of my head and then yank off my skull for emphasis.  After that, I went for coffee.
     With Julia, going into the delivery room was not an option.  It was for Emily and me, with my weak stomach, tendency to faint at the sight of blood, and not being very cool in a crisis, opted to wait in the hall.  Or in the coffee shop, actually.
      The nurse asked me again and I said they really didn't want to stop what they were doing because I passed out across the mother to be.  The nurse thought I was joking.
     Julia couldn't wait for us to bring her sister home.
     We were reluctant to let her hold Emily, but all the tears convinced us to let her.
     It was one of my favorite pictures:  Julia, tears in her eyes, smiling as she holds a very content Emily.
     It all seems so long ago.  Hold your children closely, my young friends.  They don't stay little for long.
     I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving.  Peace and blessings to everyone.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

tis the season

Once upon a time, a baby was born

     It's Julia's birthday tomorrow.  Or today, if you live in Switzerland.
     She was born at Columbus Hospital in Chicago, because the doctor who delivered Jackie also delivered Julia.  Even though we lived in Rochelle, we would go to Dr. Freidman's office for checkups and sometimes spend the night with my parents.
     We were playing cards when around 10 p.m. Jackie went into labor.  John, Jackie, me and Janice, a friend from Rochelle who was in Chicago studying nursing, were at the folks house, having a pretty fun night.
     Jackie had complained all night of a sore back.  At three weeks past due, this should have been a hint.
     When her water broke, we jumped into action.
     John raced a block and a half to get the car because for the first time ever there were no parking spots by the house.  But the car wouldn't start.  So he raced back to the house, told me, and that's when I remembered I had flipped a kill switch hidden under the dash.  That little switch prevented the car from being  started.  Theft prevention.
     I raced back to the car, brought it around and we took Jackie to Columbus Hospital.
     The next day, right before halftime, our little Julia came into the world.  The doc came out and said we were pretty lucky, she had shifted and was sideways but another doctor also delivering a baby knew what to do and with that he was off to Wrigley Field for the second half of the Bears game.
     John came by to visit, as did another childhood pal, Billy.  In fact, Jackie and I saw Billy twice since we got married and both times she was pregnant.
     The nurse came out and asked if I would like to see my beautiful baby.
     I said yes and she came back with a little bundle.  I looked at her and almost gagged!
     She was covered in brown because she had a bm during the delivery process.     There were huge red marks on her forehead from where they used the forceps to pull her out.  And there was a general greenish slime mixed in with the brown.
     The nurse assured me she was a beautiful baby and would look so much better cleaned up.
     Well, she did.  And she was a beautiful baby.
     It seems like yesterday. 
     For you youngin's out there:  Don't wish your life away.  It passes too quickly as it is.
    And spend as much time as you can with your kids....that is a regret I can't seem to shake.
     Happy birthday, Julia!

Monday, November 20, 2017


I missed the memo on lawn mowing today

     Three of my neighbors mowed, and I felt guilty watching them.
     I suppose I should mow one last time, then clean off the mower for the first time this year, and put it away until spring.  But I just can't bring myself to do that.
     Yes, the grass is a little long, but not bad.  And maybe I should trim it up a little before it gets covered in snow.
     But just the thought of mowing sends shivers down my spine, matey.  It is cold.  It is too cold to mow and too cold to bike, although I saw my neighbor out biking today.
     Why do these people keep proving me wrong?
     I  did hang Christmas lights outside.
     I actually got them up and in the right spot.  I tested them, and they look nice.
     While unpacking them, I tried all of them to be sure they worked.  Imagine my surprise when one strand of my made in an Asian country lights didn't light.       I paid good money for them (actually, they were half price after Christmas) and I just didn't think they would fizzle out after one year.
     These are LED lights and I guess there is a fuse somewhere.  Of course, I did not throw out the lights because in my wild imagination I fix them.
     In addition to not mowing, I did not trim.  I have some areas where the grass is pretty long and I should get out the trimmer and go at it.  In due time.
     On a positive note, weeding isn't necessary.
     Come Monday (no, I am not channeling Buffet in preparation for the musical) the golf cart goes and I will have room in the garage for the patio chairs.
     I suppose I will hang the bike too.  I am thinking of a little ceremony when I do that, maybe hum Queen's "Bicycle" as I raise it to the rafters, signaling the end to another summer season.
     It seems like just a week ago I was taking it down, and getting the mower ready, and calling for the golf cart.
     Gosh...time flies when you get older!!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

ping pong anyone?

I seem to have recovered

Thank you all for your good thoughts.  My headache is almost gone, I feel like normal except I am very tired.
Jackie, on the other hand, has another infection.  Heeding the doctor's advice, we went to the ER today for treatment rather than wait until office hours on Monday.  She got a shot in the butt and some antibiotics and we will follow up with our doctor tomorrow.
This is the last post about medical issues.  Promise.  No more complaining about health, reporting on health, discussing health......light and airy, fun posts ahead.
At least that is the plan.
Ran into my bike riding neighbor who told me how to prepare for the cold when riding. 
It was beautiful out today and if I had felt more up to  it, I might have tried to ride.
Maybe later this week I will take the plunge.
I could ride my indoor exercise bike, courtesy John and Kathy.  I do ride it during the winter while I watch TV in the basement.
I notice with the stationary bikes, it is harder to ride!  On my bike outside I coast occasionally, especially when I think I am going too fast and will lose control and crash into a car, mailbox, or old lady.
But on the stationary bikes, if you stop pedaling, it basically stops.  You have to pedal constantly.  It is harder.
Six of one, half dozen of another.  Ride outside and freeze my buns off or ride inside and watch TV while staying warm.
My momma didn't raise any idiots.
I guess as long as I ride and get the exercise, it won't matter.
Except for the frostbite.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Rip Van Tinkle

I have slept a lot the past two days

     Knock on wood, my head does not hurt.  The room is not spinning.  I don't feel terrible.
     I don't feel great, you understand.  I just don't feel terrible.
     I slept until 2 p.m. today.  I went to bed at 10.   I did get up several times to use the bathroom, but fell asleep right away.  I even had a great dream about a castle with fire spouting from the walls, and ramparts that reached high in the sky.
     Yes, I took some meds for the nausea and dizziness, and maybe that made me sleepy, but I am really tired and I have not taken anything for about 8 hours.
     To be honest, I hate to complain about my migraine.  Many of you have worse problems than a headache and you are not complaining in a blog.
     I salute you.  I am being serious here.  I don't know how people can put up with a long term medical condition.  Just two days of not feeling well drives me up a wall.
     It's hard sometimes to realize people around you are suffering, many times silently.
     When I close my eyes tonight I will say a little prayer for those of you I know face some tough medical situations.
     I know it's not much, but you are in my thoughts.
     Peace to all.

Friday, November 17, 2017

well, crap

I seem to have lost 24 hours

     A migraine will do that, if I had a migraine.
     I got up and finished a small painting proect and felt great.
     I read to a third grade class, (had a ball, by the way..nice kids, Mrs. P) and as I was finishing up, I felt a little woozy.  Not a lot, just a little.
     Went to the post office, then to the food drive where I dropped off a check and filled in some entry forms for contests I did not win.  (They had a guitar signed by someone.  I asked who they were, but not being a C & W fan had no clue who the performers were.  I was told they won The Voice.  I have no clue what that is either, so I entered the cooler drawing.  Moot explanation, I didn't win.)
     My head was a little fuzzy then.
     I moved on to buy Jackie some veggies and in the middle of the store, I thought, Hmmm.....I'm gonna be sick.
    Well, I never was.  Until I got home, but we will skip over that part.
     By then the room was spinning,  my head hurt, my stomach left my body, and I felt like crap.  No polite way of saying it.
     Emily came over and helped get Jackie to her meeting, stopped at the pharmacy to pick up some meds that were called in, brought Jackie home...all of which was a big help.
     I slept.  Slept all night.  Slept most of today.  Did not go to the zoo or rehab, just slept.
     Right now I feel OK, still have a headache and still a little woozy. 
     Friends, I had to be sick because I did not eat lunch or supper yesterday or breakfast today.  I don't think I have ever gone that long without food.
     Now I wonder if I will be able to sleep tonight, since I slept so much yesterday and today.
     We'll see.....just hope I feel good tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


My head is reeling with numbers

      I went to the NIU football game tonight.  Thanks Dave W. for the tickets and Jimmy for driving.
     The score was 35-31 NIU, in a game played in a temperature of about 34 degrees with a 102 mile an hour wind coming out of the northwest.  I am surprised the balls didn't freeze on the field.  (For you pervs, I am talking was a game.  Get your mind out of the gutter!  You know who you are.....)
     The game was exciting.  The food was amazing.  We ate in the practice center, a buffet with a ham, potato, dressing, dessert, vegetable offering....courtesy of Dave's tickets.
     We also had access to the Coaches' Corner during the game.  This is on the upper level and was a room lined with TVs and food....chili, tacos, salad, cookies, hot chocolate, cookies, chocolate pretzels, cookies.
     I ate too much.  And I drank too much hot chocolate.  I think I am peeing chocolate.
     All the work I have been doing on the treadmill and rowing machine....out the window.
     I was cold.  I put on long underwear and that kept my legs warm but my toes were cold.  I have been home for almost 2 hours and I am still freezing.
     I may wear my long undies to bed.  Hell, I may wear my sweatshirt and socks to bed.
     I wore a pair of mismatched gloves.  I don't even know where one of them came from.  They were not warm enough.
     Found out when I got home one of my little buddies from church was a tee boy tonight.  That means he ran out to pick up the tee after a kickoff.  If I had known ahead of time, I would have yelled his name at least once.
     All in all, it was a pretty darn fun time.
     Now I am going to bed to try to warm up.
     I hope I dream of exercising...maybe that will burn off a few pounds!
     Oh, this little blog is up to 100,198 and that is the last time I mention it.  For a while.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

number nine, number nine, number nine

I have passed the 100,000 mark!

      I just checked my stats, and  this little blog has 100,009 page views.
     Thank you very much.
     Maybe the next 100,000 will come faster!
     Which is another topic.
     I want to vent about an on line order I placed.  I won't mention the retailer, but they are large.
     We need new towels.  I don't want to buy towels not made in the US, because years ago our textile industry was huge.  But since consumers wanted cheaper priced towels, most of it went overseas and the jobs disappeared and the towns fell on hard times.
     There is a company that still makes towels in the US, and their products are sold by this big company.
     So I ordered sets of hand towels and face cloths.  Two hand towels, two face cloths of each of several colors:  tan, tavertine, white, turquoise.  total 8 hand towels, 8 face cloths.  (And why does that word not look right?  Cloths?  Huh)
    Sounds simple, right?
    Today I got half the shipment:  4 towels and 3 face cloths.  I contacted customer service.  They are sending me a replacement.  I wouldn't call it a replacement, since I never received one, but you say tomato, I say tomahto.
     Then the customer service rep said the rest of my order, including 3 hand towels of the same color I received today, was due to arrive tomorrow.  Along with wash cloths of a color I don't remember ordering.
     I went back to the order confirmation sheet and it does not tell me the item number or color.  Just hand towel set of 2 and the price.
     So who knows what I am getting.
     This whole process might make be decide to buy the foreign towels next time.
     But enough of my kvetching.  I actually don't know if that is a word, I think it is.  Oh well.
     Again, thanks for reading, thanks for liking it, thanks for telling me I bring a little humor into your life.
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes.

Monday, November 13, 2017

ho ho ho

I am thinking Christmas

     I know, it is not even Turkey Day.
     But I pulled out the garland for the front porch and tested it tonight, making sure it all works.
     I also got out extension cords and all the stuff to hold the garland in place.
     I figure this week will be a little warmer and I can put it up, just not turn it on.
     You may remember, Christmas sort of explodes at our house.  We have almost 20 boxes of decorations for trees, walls, tables, etc. and I have to haul them all up from the basement.
     I was thinking that this year, after dinner, I can get a couple of the guests to haul up a few of the heavier ones.  And move a table or two.
     It's not only the calendar that has put me in the Christmas mindset, but the cold weather, frost, snow, rain, wind, inability to get warm.......all have imparted the message that Christmas is coming. 
     And while it is just strolling to us, pretty soon it will be running headlong into our faces.
     Enough of that.
     A few pictures that say a thousand words about our weather.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

here's lookin' at you, kid

I bet I have seen Casablanca at least 40 times

     Tonight I saw it on the big screen, which may have been a first for me.
     I say may.  When I was a teen, I went to movies and may have seen Bogart and Bergman on the big screen.  I say may, because I  can't explain my fascination with the movie.  I don't think I would have seen it on TV back in the mid 60s.
     When I went away to school, I had a poster of each of them on my room door.  Actually, I had them at home too, but they went with me to school second semester.
     I remember Bergman as Ilsa.  The poster was from the last part of the movie, her in her big hat, tears in her eyes, telling Rick thank you.  I have been in love with her ever since.
     The Bogart poster was waist up, him in his trench coat, hat pulled down, fog swirling around the picture and him with a cigarette and a scowl that accentuated his hurt face.  Truthfully, I'm in love with him too.
     I know I used the line, "Here's lookin' at you kid," long before dating Jackie.
     I love the movie.  I love the humor, the suspense, the great use of shadows to highlight faces and to add to the air of mystery.  And I love the romance.
     You get the idea:  It's my favorite movie.
     Going to use favorite again.  My favorite part of the movie is when the Germans start singing their national song and Victor Laszlo comes down the stairs from Rick's office and tells the house band to play the Marseilles.
And they do.  The emotions of the people, the crowd, is amazing.  I did not know until today that Yvonne, one of the smaller but vital roles, was Madeleine LeBeau and she was actually a French national who fled Paris right just before the Nazis came in.
     When the tears roll down her face during that scene,  they are real. It's a powerful moment.
     Usually I watch on my TV in the basement because I don't think Jackie is a fan of the movie.  Watching tonight with a crowd was interesting because there are funny parts, at least to me, and tonight people laughed with me at those parts.
     And on the big screen I could see things I could not on my small screen, with explained questions I had about certain parts. invitation.  Want to watch Casablanca?  Give me a call, bring some popcorn  and we can make a night of it.
     Who knows, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

PS.....tomorrow night could be the night!  100,000...darn close!!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

right time, wrong day

Once again, I proved to be off

      I signed up to sell Rotary calendars on Saturday, from 1:30 to 3.
     When I got there today, the man I was relieving was surprised to see me.  He thought he was the last person of the day.
     Yesterday a fellow Rotarian texted me and said our selling point was cold.
      I thought that was nice, yet odd because I was coming Saturday.
     Turns out I signed up for Friday at 1:30.  I thought I signed up for Saturday at 1:30.
     So I was a day late.  Not a dollar short, but a day late.
     Now the text about being cold made sense in that context.
     The other weird thing is I was talking to someone about something funny and the person said, "I'll probably read about that later tonight."
     And I thought for sure I would write about it.
     But damned if I can remember what it was.  Or who it was.
     So, mystery guest.  If you remember the conversation let me know or tell it in the comments. 
     I have an upgrade to do on the computer.  Emily said all I have to do is hit the button.  What can go wrong?
    We shall see, my friends.  We shall see.
     Goodnight, and I hope I will communicate with you again.

Friday, November 10, 2017

hello? who is there on the line?

I am beginning to hate our phone

     In the past two days, we have had about 11 calls on our land line.  I made one,  my brother one, a friend two and the rest were, I can't think of an appropriate name to call them.
     Let's call them human waste ejector ports.
     Some of them are brazen enough to leave messages, like the guy who said he was calling in response to my request for a quote on Viagra and cialis prices.
      Really, Joe Franklin?  Seems I would remember a request for that.
     Another one wants to help with my gas bills, reducing the monthly payments I make to a more manageable level.  A third wanted to do the same with my Com Ed bills.  We don't have Com Ed, but I do have gas. 
      I reversed number looked up two others.  One was a site where other people like me, those fed up with this crap, said they caller told them their spouse had pledged to a cause but had not yet paid.  They wanted a credit card to complete the pledge.  Another had comments from people that the caller said they had an outstanding credit card balance, late payment, or owed money for some reason.
     We are on the do not call list. 
     I will report the numbers, but what I would rather do is track the suckers down and let loose an angry swarm of hornets on them. 
     The sad thing is people fall for it.  They give the number, they allow the scammers to get information and money.  Especially elderly people.
     So kids, watch your folks. 
     Get caller ID and only answer the numbers you know.  If it's someone  wants to contact you they will leave a message.
     Don't give out information.
     Register you phones on the do not call list.
     And keep an air horn handy for when you get a real person, you can give them a blast to voice your displeasure.
     Alexander Graham Bell is rolling over in his grave at the thought of people like this using his marvelous invention.
     With that, good night.  Sleep tight.  Don't let the scammers bite.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

not again

It's not easy being green

     We had some outdoor garland that stopped working.  It was old and when I put it up last year, the lights did not work.
     I tried changing the fuse, checking the bulbs, and all the usual stuff but nothing worked.
     Now, the smart thing to do is throw it out.
     But I see the garland as something useful and decide to pull off the lights.
     So today, after having the garland gain dust for the past 11 months, I sit down to pull off the lights and 45 minutes later I think I made a mistake.
     Each of the lights is held on by a little u shaped clip.  So I had to pull each clip off one at a time.
     I used a vice grips, but it was painstakingly slow work.
     And I wondered:
     How do they get the clips on?
     What harm would it be to just toss it out?
     I know the fire department has collected dead lights for the past two years or more, so I felt good about pulling them off.  And I have a group that can use the garland for decoration, so it is being reused.
     But at what point should I just say to Hell with it and toss out an item?
     I think in my other life I lived through the Depression.  No other explanation.
     My fingers are sore.  Going to bed.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

huff and puff

I started something new today

     When I had my stent work in August, I asked the good doc for a script for cardiac rehab.
     True, I did not have a heart attack.  But I need to lose weight and I don't do well exercising on my own.
     So today I started cardio at the local hospital.
     I walk on the treadmill, ride the stationary bike, and do the rowing machine, which hurts my arms  because I am so pathetically weak.
     The only problem is I have to be there at 8 a.m.   I don't do well at that hour.  So I am trying to go to bed earlier.
     Last  night I went to bed at 10:30 and then listened to the cuckoo tell me it was 11, then 12, and either at 12:30 or 1, I finally fell asleep. 
     I would have gone earlier, but I got involved in a Scrabble game on line.  I play against the computer and it beats me every time.
     I may take 5 minutes to lay down a word and on its turn, it takes 5 seconds for a combination that is double or triple mine.  I just don't see the words on top of words, if you know what I mean.
     Jackie is feeling better tonight.  She has been sick for a couple of days, which means I have been on the run for a couple of days. 
     I have not forgotten my calendar obligations, hopefully will get them all delivered next week.
     And I had a great time today in Coop's room reading a story to first graders.  We did a paired reading and it was a fun activity.
     I was impressed I showed up on the right day this time, and even at almost the right hour.
     Maybe exercise is helping my brain. is beyond help!
     Less than 1,000 to 100,000!!!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


I mowed.  I froze.  I thawed.

     That's right, laugh from the comfort of your warm wombs.
     I mowed today!
     50 mile an hour wind, below freezing temperatures, snow blowing in my face....but I got it done.
     OK, it wasn't a 50 mph wind, it was 37 degrees and there was no snow, but it sure was cold.
     I still have some trimming to do, then I have to collect the yard stuff....hoses, bird baths, more hoses, furniture.
     I really don't mind mowing when it is warm.  I really enjoy the erratic bouncing around on the mower  as my intestines and kidneys get rearranged, and the constant positioning of my arms so I can go in a straight line. But I don't like doing it when it is cold.
     So, here are some other things I don't like to do in the cold:

   Pick up dog doo.
   Pick up garbage after the bag rips open and leaves tissues all over the ground.
   Walk out to the compost bin.
   Cover the strawberries, although I have a feeling it will be cold by the time I do that.
   Work in the garage. 
   Carry groceries.
   Get the mail.

     I can't think of anything else right now, mainly because I am still chilled from mowing and that was 4 hours ago.
     I may never be warm again.

Monday, November 6, 2017

it's hard

I am having trouble adjusting to the time change

     I should be in bed right now, I am so tired.
     I lost some sleep and have not been able to make it up, despite gaining an hour.
     It has clouded my thoughts.  I am thinking it is 10 when it is really 11, so I get up at 8 which is really 7 and my system is just out of sync.
     For instance, Rotary members are reading to classrooms.  I signed up to read in a class at Tilton School at 11 this morning.  When I went into a teacher's room at May School, she was surprised to see me. 
     I had the right time, but went to the wrong school.
     I even told Jackie before I left the house I was going to Tilton.  How the hell did I go to May?
     When I got back from reading I was supposed to dust the floors.  I realized about 6 that I had not done that either, although I did fall asleep at the breakfast table while doing the crossword.
     Hopefully I will get a good night of sleep tonight.
     I'm just not counting sheep on it though.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

really tired of it

I managed to stay blissfully unaware today

     Then Jackie brought me back to Earth with the news of the shooting in Texas.
      I watched the coverage for a few minutes, then decided I can't do this anymore.
     I can't keep watching the same stories unfold month after month after month.  Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Orlando...the list seems endless.
     Truthfully, I am tired of it.
      I am tired of outdated laws and outdated hinking that allows weapons of mass destruction on our streets.
     I am tired of gutless lawmakers wringing their hands and passing out condolences and prayers but doing nothing to end the slaughter.
     I am tired of the same old responses.  You hear them all the time.  If people in the congregation had guns.   If guns are outlawed only outlaws would have guns.  It's a terrorist.  It's a radical left winger.  It's a radical right winger.
     My understanding is this person was dishonorably discharged from the military.  I also understand a person with a dishonorable discharge is prohibited from having guns.
    Yet, he had them.  And he used them.
     Not just a six shooter, or a one shot musket that was the weapon of death in 1789.  But a killing machine, a weapon of mass destruction.  No training is needed, just pull the trigger and spray the room.
     I believe anyone who intentionally kills a person is insane, because a sane person would not want to snuff out he life of an innocent person, or put an entire family into inconsolable grief.
     Am I glad a citizen returned fire and possibly saved lives?
     Yes, very glad.
     But no one should ever be in that situation where you have to carry a gun to protect innocent people, unless you are in the active military or a police officer.
     Our leadership is taking all sorts of steps to protect us against terrorists.
     But it is not the terrorist I fear most.  It's the rest of us that worry me.
     I think the people who wrote the Constitution are turning over in their graves with every mass shooting.  They could not have anticipated this nightmare.
     Someone said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
     Our gun laws fit that description.
      And I am just tired of it.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

counting down

Sometime in the next two weeks, I celebrate

     What, pray tell, am I celebrating?
     It is not the Cubs, although it was a pretty exciting season. is over, so no celebrating Sox or Cubs achievements.  Unless it is the signing of a big free agent pitcher named Jake.
     It's not the Bulls.  I confess I have not really watched them since the Jordan era, and they do seem young and exciting.  But it is not the Bulls, nor basketball.
     The Bears?   To be honest, I have not watched much football.  It is not because of the whole anthem kneeling thing.  In fact, I think when players do that they are demonstrating what makes this country great:  the ability to express yourself.  And if your boss does not like that, then I guess he has the option to fire you, but that is an insane idea.  I don't watch as much  because the Bears are a mediocre team.  I don't watch as much  because baseball was more fun to me.  And finally, I don't watch as much because I feel a little guilty.  I watched the movie Concussion.  I have seem Jim McMahon.  I have heard players talk about the toll this sport has on them.  Last year the Tribune did a profile of the '85 Super Bowl Bears now and a number of them were in nursing homes or suffering from debilitating injuries.  Yes, they are adults and are quite capable of making their own life direction decisions.  But something inside me says I am contributing to the suicides of Double D, and Junior, and others.   And I don't like that feeling.
     So I watch bits of games.  Not many, and not as much as I used to.
     When Zach Miller of the Bears darn near lost his leg due to a football play, it again gave me pause.
      Wow.  That was a digression!
     I will be celebrating the 100,000th visit to this blog. 
     I better have a good entry that day.
     Lord knows, it can't be as depressing as this!
     Time for bed.

Friday, November 3, 2017

I am fulfilled

I got the treat of my childhood today

     I don't know how I missed it!
     Shopping in Wally World, I ran into Kevin and Jen and darling Samantha.     Kevin mentioned a special vehicle parked on the east end of the store.  They were alerted to it by Emily.
     I did not see it.
     So when I left the store, I turned to the east and Voila!!  My childhood dream!!
     I walked up to it, got in it, and had my picture taken with it.   I even got a whistle!!
     Wooooooo hooo!!

You gotta love it!!

On board and ready to go!!
     Come on, sing it!  You know you want to!!

Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener, that is  what I really want to be
Cause if  I were an Oscar Meyer wiener, everyone would be in love with me

     I am ten again.  For a minute or two.
     Thanks Emily and Kevin for letting us all know about the Wienermobile!!
     And thanks, Sheri, for the night of good friendship, great pizza and wonderful wine!
     This has been a good week!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

a freakin' horror show

My life is filled with odd creatures

     Corki being one of them.  She follows me everywhere.  If I go out, she wants out.  When I come in, she wants in. 
     Jackie went to bed 10 minutes ago and Corki came into the den to lay on the floor near the door.
     I love her....but she is driving me nuts!
     I still have tomatoes, which is weird.  It has been cold, but there are still a few good ones on the vines.  If anyone wants one or two or three, come get them before the next frost.
     About a month ago I noticed the leaves were disappearing.
     I discovered why.

     Yes, these are pretty cool looking caterpillars, but they are hell on a plant.     Tomato hornworms, I guess because of the red horn on their head.  Or tail, not sure.
     Those were not the only creatures I found.
     Check out my carrots!

     That is a quarter on the towel.
     The carrot on the left was gigantic, the one in the middle was a pumpkin and the one on the right was a nice size.
     Most of my carrots got shaded out by the beans and peas.  In a moment of madness, I thought planting carrots between the bean and pea rows was an efficient use of space.
     I didn't take into account that the peas and beans would shade out the carrots.  
    We did get enough to fill two one gallon bags of frozen carrots, but I wish we had more.
     Oh, I almost forgot.  This is my radish carrot.  It was about two inches long.
     And lastly, I took the patio chair cushions out of the storage box so I could put them in the garage.
     Realize, I don't know if I used the cushions at all this year, even when people did come over and we sat on the patio talking about life until all hours of the night.  We could have been sitting in comfort.
     Anyway, hornets and wasps are always a problem.  Still, I was a little surprised when I took the cushions out of the plastic bags in which I store them.

    These are nests made by mud daubers, a little black hornet that was buzzing around the house a lot.
     I found three nests on the cushions inside the plastic bag.
     Understand, sometimes I sat on the bench they were nesting.
     I am just glad I was not stung in the butt.
     The top picture reminds me of cliff dwellers out in Arizona.
     Industrious little critters, those mud daubers.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

bang, bang, thump

I had a first time experience tonight

     I went to see Stomp in Aurora.
     For those of you who don't know, Stomp is a percussion group.  Sort of.
     They use their feet, hands, plastic buckets, grocery carts, brooms, sticks and just about anything else you can imagine to create music.  Well, not music you can sing along to or hum, but music in the rhythms they create.
     Not a word is spoken.  Everything is done in pantomime or by suggestion.
     I had no idea what to expect....and I loved it.
     The energy level was amazing and so was the timing. 
     I would have loved to ask  one of the 8 cast members how much they rehearse and how they come up with the routines and instruments.  Plastic bags,  Straws.  Newspaper.  Very creative and entertaining.
     Now, I don't love  Stomp on the level Emily does.....she has seen it five times.       I remember when she was at Drake she went to see them in Des Moines.     Emily and John had an extra ticket for tonight and kindly asked me if I wanted to go.
     Actually, I had two first time experiences.
     I had never been to the Paramount Theater either.
     It was a neat place, big but not too big and great sight lines.  Of course, we were in the first row, so nothing could have blocked our view.  I would go back there again.
     Stomp at the Paramount. 
     Good times, good times.
     Thanks Emily and John for taking me!

Set for Stomp....everything gets used!