Saturday, September 30, 2017

call me, please

I am a phone volunteer

     When an organization has a fund raiser, I frequently volunteer to answer the phones.
     This is always an interesting experience, especially for someone with a hearing issue.
     So when Christine called, I asked her how she spelled Christine.
     "I'm not sure... my name is Dorie."
     I have no idea where I got Christine.
     Another person game me their street name.  He repeated it three times, and on the third time he said, "You know, like in Steven King."  "Oh yeah," I answered.
     I have NEVER read a Steven King book and still don't know on what street the guy lived.   I just hope the post office delivers to some number that sounds like what I thought I heard that may or may not have come from a King book.
     My landscape guy called today.  He called at home, not where I was taking donations.  He said the crew was working for a Mr. Danforth, one of my neighbors.
     I said I did not know anyone named Danforth........and I don't. 
     But I do know a neighbor that has a name that sounds very similar, although I did not realize that until I hung up. 
     I think I need a hearing aid.  Or two.
     My problem is, everyone I know who has them complains about the background  noise being amplified so much, they can't hear the person talking to them.  Which makes me wonder about a hearing aid.
     Maybe it's wax build up in my ears.  Or maybe I got a huge bug stuck in one, which is possible.  Not probable, but possible.
    Getting old is not fun. 
    But the alternative isn't either.

Friday, September 29, 2017


I have been shocked senseless twice this week

     I know!  How can you tell?
     The phone rang the other day and we have caller ID.  The caller was identified as a friend of ours who died at least six years ago!!  Maybe more!
     I could not pick up the phone because I saw his name on caller ID.  It rang and rang and I just stared.
     Turns out, the number belongs to a business and his name was listed on the original phone number years ago and evidently it has never been changed.
     Then today I got an e mail from a man who died four months ago!  It said, "dickow, you need to read this!"  from ---dead guy's real name
     There was a link attached to it.
     Being a person who listens to his daughters and son in law, I did not open the link because that guy was dead!  He could not e-mail me.  I don't think.
     Just strange, the coincidences that happen.
     On a digression, I rode my bike into town for coffee.  14.8 miles round trip.  I really wasn't tired and my legs felt fine.  My seat isn't even sore.
     I had planned to start at 10, but didn't leave until about 12:15 because I WAS BUYING CUBS TICKETS FOR OCT. 10!
     I tried getting four, but could not, so I got three.  Pretty darn good seats.  Pricey too.
    I did not make a playoff game last year and regretted it.
    Now I live my life with no regrets.  Well, regrets, I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention....wait a minute, channeling Old Blue Eyes!  Oh my gosh, another voice from the afterlife.
     Just my luck....I channel all these people just before I go to bed.
     I just have to get in my robe, and look for my pipe.......Holy Hefner!  It's happening again!!!
     At least I can dream of bunnies.......

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Oh no, not sports again

I feel like talking sports today

     I going to start with football. 
     I am not going to dwell on football players exercising their right of free speech by kneeling during the anthem.  Personally, I am more outraged by the hatred surfacing in this country than by people peacefully protesting racist conditions.
     I am a little concerned that it may no longer be a protest but an "in" thing to do. 
     Enough of my serious side.
     How 'bout those Bears!  What a game they played tonight.  Great defense, amazing offense.  I turned it off at 28-7 because they were dominating tonight.  I just don't understand why they had on the wrong uniforms.
Ok, serious again.  I am in a mood swing mood.  Think about that.  I used to love football.  High school, college, the pros, I loved watching the action.  But I don't so much anymore.  I watched Concussion the other night, with Will Smith.  (How he did not get an Oscar I can't understand.)  I've seen Jimmy Mac.  I've read stories about members of the 85 Super Bowl team who have trouble walking, and thinking, and functioning.
     And I think of the price these guys pay for guys like me to sit on the couch and yell.
     Then I saw the Packer player get hit tonight and I just couldn't take it anymore.  Too many hurt players, too many shattered bones.  Yes, they are grown men and able to make their own decisions about the risks they take in life.  But I don't have to support those risks.
     Here's the swing!
     I am going to buy playoff tickets tomorrow.  Yes, I am.  I am convinced that I will be able to get tickets for a game at Wrigley with Washington.  It is not the conference championship, or the WS, but I can tell future generations I was there when the Cubs did the unthinkable....won it all two years in a row.
     And if anyone runs into Steve Goodman in the great beyond, tell him they still play the blues in Chicago, but the Cubs are no longer the doormat of the National League.
     I think he'd smile knowing that.
     And now, for something different.

How the hell do you make donkey salt?  Or do the donkeys just put on the salt?  Hope I can sleep thinking this one through

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

feeling pretty happy

I love to say I told you so

     Months ago I said the Cubs would be in the playoffs.  Even when they were doing so lousy at the break, I said they would be there in the end.
     And they are.
     I have been a Cub fan ever since I was 8 or 9 years old.  I idolized Ernie and Ron, Sweet Swinging Billy and I admit I shed a tear when Ken Hubbs was killed in spring training. 
     I watched games in black and white with Jack Brickhouse calling the action, Pat Piper announcing the starting line ups and everybody in the stands making the "whoooooop" noise for foul balls hit up the net behind home plate.
     I fell asleep to Vince Lloyd and Jack Quinlan, the golden voice, doing games on the radio against the Dodgers and Giants.  And who can forget Lou Boudreau, Lloyd Petit, and later Harry and Stony.  Now it's JD and Len, Pat and Ron C.
     I envy Cardinal fans.  Their teams have been winners so often in the past. They have built a winning culture.
     Several years ago I started buying packs of tickets.  With Dan and John, we have watched some terrible baseball.  We sat through games that were poorly played, especially during that 102 loss season.
     We watched the kids.  Rizzo, Starlin, KB, Javy, Addy and all the other young talent developed before our eyes.
     We knew some day they would be good.  Now, they are.
     Even as our record for games attended fell to 2-6 this year, I knew they would turn it around and move on to the playoffs.
     Bring on the Nationals!!!  The Cubs are gonna be history making this year!!
     Now, gotta find my Steve Goodman album.........Go Cubs Go, Go Cubs Go, Hey Chicago what do ya say?  Cubs are gonna win today......

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

what was that??

I think it's beginning

     Old age.  I think I may be hitting it.
     Sure, I am 69.3333.... years of age, but lately I have been feeling old.
     I can't remember things as well as I used to.
     I put the lettuce in the pantry and the scissors in the freezer.  I knew it was wrong, but I did it anyway.
     I picked the Packers and the Steelers in the local football pool. 
     I can't get up before 10 or to bed before 12.  Then I wake up several times in the night, thank you aging prostate.   (I sometimes call it prostrate....another sign?)
     I go into a room and can't remember why I am there.  Sometimes I go into a room and realize I am in the wrong room.
     If it wasn't so frustrating, it would be funny.
     I spent 10 minutes at a store looking at smoke detectors.  I was looking for a carbon monoxide detector and bought one that was not one.  I referred to carbon monoxide as CO2.
     I don't know why Kardashians exist. 
     I know there are movie stars not named Hanks or Connery or Grant or Stewart or Bogart,  but I don't know their names.
     Baseball players could be my grand kids.  Seriously.  Half the starting line up of the Cubs are under 25.   Or is it half is?  If I was born in a different time or place, Kris Bryant could be my weird would that be!
     Time for my Metamucil cocktail, followed by some pudding to save my teeth.
     Good night, sleep tight. 

Monday, September 25, 2017


I admit, I watch reality tv shows

     Well, some shows, anyway.  I like the shows that fix up a house and sell it for an unbelievable profit.
     Many times the homeowners help out with a project.  But most homeowners are like me:  inept, inefficient, inexcusably clumsy.
     This morning Jackie got up early while I slept until a little after 9.  That is normal, yes.  And I know I have to change that to do more stuff during daylight.  I am working on it.
     Why did she wake up?  The chirping noise of a smoke detector.
     Why didn't I wake up?  One benefit of lousy hearing.  It was at a range that I could not easily pick up.
     But I eventually did, and after ruling out a real cricket in the garage, pantry, bedroom and ceiling. I ventured to the basement and was greeted by a chirp.     Actually, three chirps every minute.
     Which means, she heard it chirp about 120 times.   I don't want to say she was cranky, but......
     Anyway, went down to the basement, changed the battery.  Chirping continued.
     Put in another battery.  Chirping continued.
     Looked at the model number, then went to the computer and Googled the product and number.
     Turns out, a three chip per minute sounding means a malfunctioning unit.     Four chirps is dead battery.  Who knew?
     Following the instruction manual (a phrase I don't think I have ever typed before) I attempted to disconnect the easy connect harness that is wired to the gizmo.
     Every time I tried, my two fingers would lock and I could not grab with my middle finger curled into a ball.  (Some people call it trigger finger.  I just think I used it too much in my life and wore out the muscle that controls it.)
     After several attempts, I gave up and called John.
     He came over, and with some effort, managed to detach the unit from the electrical harness.
     He tried resetting it:   remove the battery, press down on the test button for a few minutes, reinstall.  But nothing worked.
     So I bought a new unit that is similar to the one I had.  I wrote the company and asked if they were the same unit, despite different model numbers.  We'll see.
     I am waiting before I attempt to reinstall it, which should be a relatively easy task.  Waiting, not installing.
     Total time on the project I could not do?  About four hours, or 720 chirps.
     And then I tackled the slow sink in the bathroom.  Let's just say that was 45 minutes I will never get back.
     It works fine unless you run water into it.
     Tomorrow's another day.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

oops! me bad

I believe it is a mea culpa day

     I am sorry for spreading fake news.
     In case you missed it, the world did not end yesterday.  No whimper, no bang, no ice, no fire.  Just a normal day.  Ok, it was a little hot, but not so bad as to incinerate us alive.  Just hot enough to make us sweat.
     The guy who predicted the end of the world, using a system involving solar eclipses, earthquakes, the number 33, and the Bible, turned out to be wrong.  Who saw that coming?
     There were several stories done on him, so my question is:  Were the stories fake news?  Or, where they news of fakes?  Big difference.  The man made a statement and it was reported.  So that is real.  But his statement was fake, so the news was fake news, but real.
     Oh my gosh my head is spinning.
     And no, that is not wine.  Just fact.
     I also found out that going to "who is following me" on Facebook and deleting names is another fake news thing.  Snopes says it isn't real.  But I already deleted 12 people, who may have been real or fake.  I hope by deleting them I did them no harm.  I mean, what if Facebook works like a voodoo doll?  By deleting someone they just disappear?  Their own private rapture perhaps?
     I didn't do much today.  Read the paper.  Did the crossword.  Fell asleep in the chair on the porch.
     But in the last hour I seem to have developed some sort of itch...on my legs, arms, hands, fingers......and little bumps, like bites.
     I have done nothing different.  Ate the same foods as yesterday, wore the same types of clothes, sat on the same furniture, played with the same why am I going insane from itching?
     Think I'll pop an allergy relief pill and see if that helps.
     The only thing that is different is the Bears.  They won.  Could it be I am allergic to Bears' victories?  I mean, they happen so seldom, maybe.....
     Or maybe not.  Who can tell.
     Good night.  Sleep tight.  Don't be an itch in life.

Saturday, September 23, 2017


I am tired

Had friends over tonight and it was a lot of fun, talking about the past, the present, the future.  And laughing.
I'm tired.  But, very happy.
Thanks guys for coming.  And girl.
Peace out's Sunday, and we are all still here.  The world didn't end.
That was a relief.

Friday, September 22, 2017

a bully, a bully

I had a slight argument with a guest today

     I had a cup with pop in it.  I set it on a bench while I tied my shoe.
     A little girl, maybe about 3, toddled over and picked up my cup and started to raise it to her lips.
     I gently took the bottom and said, " Oh honey, this is my cup.  You can't have it."
     But she didn't let go!  She kept pulling on it.
     And I wouldn't let go because I didn't want her drinking from my cup.
     Her mother came over and got her an apologized, and I just laughed.
     I can imagine her turning around and seeing an old man and a kid struggling over a cup!
     Oh well.....

Thursday, September 21, 2017

life hacks

 I am bemused by the word hacks

     I keep seeing it all over the place:  Hacks to make your life better; hacks to help you organize your underwear; hacks to make you more productive.
     Who came up with that word?  What happened to hints?  Suggestions??
     We all know when you swing at something, you take a hack at it.  "Excuse me Mr. Lumberjack, can you fell that tree?"  "Step out of the way, little lady, and I'll take a hack at it."
     In baseball or golf you often hack at the ball.
    You may take a hack at solving the puzzle, moving the stone, or winning the prize.
     A writer (please don't refer to me in this sense) who isn't very good was often called a hack.
     Small saws are hacksaws.
     Cabs in the city...."Wait here, I]ll get a hack for you."
     Now it has a whole new meaning, and I don't think I like it.
     But, what the hack, there is nothing I can do about it.
     Except not use it.
     So I won't.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

my head hurts

I seem to have a headache

     Just to be clear, it is not directly related to the two or three glasses of wine I had tonight.  The bottle was open and needed to be finished, so I finished it.
     And the headache is not directly related to my lunch today.  I broke a tooth eating a cracker.
     Yes, a cracker.  Not a hard cracker, but a solid cracker.  Split a side of an upper molar off.  I went to the dentist to have it fixed.

Do I LOOK like I am enjoying this?

     That is what I looked like in the dentist chair.  I am scared to death.  I don't like needles and I don't like drills.
     I got fixed up quite nicely.  No pain, no after affects.
     The headache is not a caffeine withdrawal, I don't think.  I did not have any caffeinated drinks after 10 a.m.  Maybe that will help me sleep.
     The headache is not from watching the Cubs.  I do that often, and never get a headache.
     But I did put on a shirt, which gave me a headache.
     As I put on the shirt, I leaned forward and smacked my head on the corner,of my dresser,  right above my right eye.  It hurts.
    It's the same dresser that Jackie cracked open her head on, which may be an omen.
     I just hope it doesn't swell.
     I have found a solution to my tooth fear.
     I will puree everything.  Hamburger, steak, fish, cheese....all into the food processor.  From now on everything will be a smoothie.
     I am not taking any more risks with my teeth.
     Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go take two aspirin and go to bed.
     If you want a Rotary daily cash give a  way calendar, let me know.  $20 and you can win up to $1,000.  Plus proceeds go to help local agencies.  I need to sell 758.  Or 10.  My head hurts and I don't remember.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

a little typ0

Its important to type correctly

     If you are paying attention, you should have noticed the typo's, not its.
     It used to be a rule in journalism that reporters never use the phrase not guilty in a story.  Why?  Because they could accidentally drop the not, exposing the paper to libel by saying a person was guilty when they were actually innocent.
     I have been thinking of typos in connection with Saturday.
     In case you have not been following, that is the day the world ends.  At least according to some interpreters of the Bible.
     Can you imagine what would happen if there was a typo in the story?  Imagine a community of dummies who read about the rupture, not the rapture.
     Thousands of guys would be going out and buying belts and trusses to protect against rupture. 
     All day Saturday they would sit in their lawn chairs with their legs crossed, protecting their privates. 
     No one would go near kicking horses or punters.  Or ride bikes.
     Doctors would be busy in ERs as hundreds of men came in, fearing they suffered from rupture in their sleep.
     Just some useless drivel to ponder.
     I am going to bed, right after I put on my cup.

Monday, September 18, 2017

the end is near

The world is going to end Saturday

     That's the word from a couple of people who use the Bible as a point of reference.
     They cite passages that mention oceans in a flux and the sun disappearing as signs that the world will end Saturday, Sept. 23.
     So, I guess this is goodbye.
     Their evidence is the solar eclipse, hurricanes and the impending collision with an unknown planet that is out there in space, but seems to be undiscovered.
     I guess we have never had solar eclipses coupled with hurricanes before.     Maybe it's true.
     I have a lot to do between now and Saturday.
     So do you, my friends.
     Many of you have money that will be useless after Saturday.  I suggest you send it all to me, ASAP.
     Mila, you only have until Saturday to dump Ashton and come to me.  Jackie will understand, and if she doesn't, well, she'll only be mad a couple of days.
     Tomorrow I plan on ordering several new vehicles, just because.  Porsche, MG B, maybe even a Tesla, all on a deferred payment plan.  I need to get them Wednesday so I can drive one a day until the end.
     I am not renewing my Netflix or Sirius.  Why bother?
     No sense starting War and Peace.
     I should apologize to all the people I have done wrong in life, but time is short and the list is long.  So, I'm sorry.  I am highly repentant.  I promise never to do it again.  (Feel free to share this blog with the millions of people who don't read it.  Hopefully I can reach Thea and  Mary Alice, especially.)
     I have 29 bottles of wine in the basement.  If you are not busy Friday night, we can take care of those.  This will take the sting out of occupation, won't it Mr. Rick?  Why am I channeling Sam from Casablanca?  Must be time.
      I was going to wash the cars...but, again, why bother?
     There's a lot of food in my freezer.  I don't know how much we can eat in a few days, but I'm starting with the chocolate and potato chips.  The other stuff will have to thaw and wait.
     I have always wanted to write a poem.  So here goes.

When the world finally reaches its ends
I'd like to be surrounded by all my friends
People who I like and really treasure
Ending with them would be such a pleasure

Listening to the Beatles, having some wine
But even the Stones would also  be fine
Filling the day with lots of great music
and classic movies made by John Cusack

It's been over 69 years since my birth
so if Saturday is the end of the earth
I''ll be surprised as hell to see it all go
But we will be here Sunday, that you know

Cause these people have predicted the end before
because of floods, quakes, and so much more
They are always wrong, that you can see
which is great for you and for me.

     There.  I'm done.
     Good night.  Good luck.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

still learning

I think I can still learn

     It isn't easy!  But I can be taught.
     For instance, I have been working on a slide show.  Have a problem getting my laptop to play it where I want to play it.
     Enter Emily and John .
     They explained all I had to do was turn on my tv, start the slide show on the computer, hit airplay and Apple TV and voila!  I can see the slide show that is playing on the computer in the den on my tv!!  And I can control the slide show with the mouse!!
      I also learned that some things are not good for me.
     After riding my bike a lot recently, (ok, a lot to me is three times) I got my weight down to 201.  That was a four pound loss.
     So this weekend I had a Starbucks, pizza, birthday cake, some great chocolate, a little wine and when I hopped on the scale today I was.......204.  :(
(Another thing I learned.   :)!  )
     I just can't stop snacking!!  A little of this, a little of that and soon I am rummaging through the pantry, looking for anything I can eat.  Sweet is tops, salty is second.  A salty sweet is a terrific combination.
     I also learned weather is funny.
     I was wearing a sweatshirt when I let the dog out tonight.  Then I talked to my friend John in Chicago and he said it was hot, humid, and very air was moving.  I was freezing. He was sweating.
    I learned the Bears are not a good football team.  Again.  Maybe I need to pick another team to watch, or maybe I'll just stop watching football until the playoffs, when I won't see the Bears anyway.
     And finally, I learned I did not win another drawing, this one in Creston.  I watched the vintage baseball team play a while and that was pretty interesting. Not like a modern baseball, but very entertaining.
     Tonight I go to bed a smarter person.  I just hope it doesn't ooze out during the night.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

on the prairie

I went out to Nachusa Grasslands today

     This is a Nature Conservancy area over near Franklin Grove.  You may have heard about it because of the bison herd there.
     There is something like 1,500 acres and about 120 head of bison roaming the grounds.
     Each year the Nature Conservancy has a prairie day, with tours and booths to inform and interest people in the native land.
     People could tour the bison range and do walking tours.
     It was hot.
     I have not been to one of these events in several years.
     When I was teaching, long before the bison came, I would take my class out to the grasslands and hike through the prairie.   Twice I went out there in the winter and snowshoed to coyote rock, then sat and had some hot chocolate and watched the world around me.
     As I wandered around today I wondered why I never volunteered out there....every Saturday morning they use volunteers to do a variety of tasks.  It's a wonderful place.
     I also watched the Cubs win.  This is the year.  I said it last spring, I will say it again...World Series, here we come!
     We capped off the day with a celebration of Camryn's 13th birthday.  Pizza and cake ..... and wine for me (and John) ..... a great way to end the day and celebrate our granddaughter.

Some photos from the day.

Seed pod of wild indigo



also stuffed


prepping for kettle corn

another batch ready to eat

Friday, September 15, 2017

a day in the life

I picked up some travelers today

     No, they were not hitchhikers.
     Digression.  I was young and stupid.  I saw a girl standing aside 251, which was the main road 39.  It was called just 51.  Anyway, she was by New Milford and was hitching a ride.  I thought she had a gas can in her hand, so being the  nice guy I picked her up.
     Well, it wasn't a gas can.  It was a red packing case.  I don't remember where she was going, but I left her off by Standard Oil Road in Rochelle.  It was raining, and I gave her my raincoat.
     I don't remember anything about her.  She could have been a teen run a way, but she looked older than a teen.  She may have been really cute with a vivid green mini skirt, or a nun.  Not sure anymore.
     Another time I picked up a young man nar Rockford who promptly, as I started driving, climbed over the front seat into the back seat.  He rode all the way to Rochelle back there.  The whole time, I was waiting for the knife to come through the seat or the rope to be put around my neck.  I pulled into the Vagabond parking lot and stopped the car, got out, and opened the door.  The Vagabond, where Hickory Grove is, was pretty popular and there were a lot of people walking about.  At first he didn't want to get out, but eventually he did.  I got back in the car and never picked up another hitch hiker again.
     But that's a digression.
     Picked up Emily and John at the airport.  Camryn was really happy to see her dad and I was glad to see both of them still sort of smiling.  It was a long, strange trip home indeed.
     While we were waiting for arrivals at the International Terminal, we saw all sorts of people speaking all sorts of languages and wearing all sorts of clothes.
     I am always touched by the family reunions I see there; kids hugging parents, brothers embracing, sisters crying.  It's a very moving space.
     Tonight I wondered how many of these people will feel unwelcome in a country where haters parade with Nazi flags and assault rifles draped around their necks.
     I hope their visits are joyful and they can return home and tell of a terrific time in the United States, where they met people who were welcoming, friendly, and kind.
     And I hope they don't pick up any hitch hikers, just to be safe.
     Just wondering:  Would anyone pick up a hitch hiking clown?  I'd just keep!
     I think the Starbucks is kicking in........

Thursday, September 14, 2017

it's true, sadly

Sometimes I wonder about the world

     A divorce case was just settled in Chicago.  The ex-wife received a $55,000 monthly payment as part of the deal.
     These two had been married for 26 years and during that time the husband built a huge empire based on treating cancer.
     They divorced a few years ago, but could not reach a financial agreement.   She had initially asked for something like $400,000 a month to maintain her life style.
     The court ordered her to receive a $6.5 million cash settlement, a $450,000 one time payment for a house, jewelry, a Porsche, and the $55,000 a month.  I know she will have to scrimp to get by, because the paper reported that after taxes, she will only get $27,000.  A month.
     Evidently treating cancer is a lucrative business.
     And then there is the government official who is a multimillionaire who asked the Air Force to fly him and his wife to their vacation spot.  In Europe.  Hiring his own jet must not have crossed his mind, but having the taxpayers foot the bill sounded like a wise choice.  He was denied use of the plane, thankfully.
     Money in the wrong hands makes me sick.  It seems a lot of rich people forget about the rest of us.
     They forget that $27,000 a month is a huge deal.
     They forget that $10,000 purses and $30,000 outfits is not what the rest of us wear.
     They forget what we go through every day.
     They forget they are not entitled just because they have money.
     With all the hunger and need in the world, I just wish they would spend their money differently.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I'm so tired......

This was an early day for me

    I was out of the house by 6:45!!!!  A.M.!!!  I never get up that early.
    I forgot to look at my to do list for today, so I did not wash the four windows in the family room.
    But I did:   take Jackie for a haircut; ride my bike; watch the Cubs trounce the Mets; a load of laundry; made supper; did the dishes;  polished the kitchen cabinets and sent a story to the newspaper.
    When I get started, I can actually function.
    But it is getting late, I am tired, and I have to do something tomorrow but I can't remember what.  I know it's important!  Better find my list.
    By the way, it was kind of freaky at that early hour.  It was foggy.  In some spots very foggy.  I kept expecting a vampire or werewolf to appear.  I don't like getting up early.
    Anyway, just some pictures to end the night.

Visitor to my lavender

I love the work the man did restoring this car.  I can see myself driving this one.

Traffic jam on my bike ride

A foggy day

Blackhawk at city hall

Trees are turning, but I think it is more drought than fall.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


I think I broke my chair

     Sometimes I sleep in my recliner in the computer room.  I open the windows and snuggle in, enjoying the cool night air and sometimes the night sounds.  I do like to hear the horns of the trains, and I always think of George Bailey when he says the three best sounds in the world are the horn of a train, the ship's anchor pulling up and I don't remember the third, but I am thinking airplane.
George remembered the third.
     But I digress.
     I was trying to get comfy and I pushed back.  Then I heard a snap and the chair doesn't feel right, I can't tell why.  I don't know if it is not up all the way or what.
     Today I found a half circle under the chair, a cheap plastic part that must have snapped.
     I could turn the chair upside down and investigate, but let's see.
         Tried to change the thermostat in my first car and broke the radiator coil.
         Tried to change the thermostat in my second car and broke the radiator core.
          Clasped onto a live wire while installing a range hood.
         Almost broke my nose pulling out nails from a soffit I messed  up.
         Thought I broke the car when it would not go forward after I put on snow tires.   Turned out the emergency brake was on.
         At our very first house I bought a shower kit, then proceeded to cut it two inches short, meaning I had to get a new one. (Shower kit, not house.)
         Over tightened an outside faucet, breaking it off on the inside.
         Used 42 nails in a 2 x 4 section of drywall, wanting to make sure it was secure. (In my defense, I thought you had to nail it every four inches.  I was young.  And Dumb.)
     Those are just a few of my do it yourself projects.
     So I will either live with the chair or contact Lazy Boy, but a self repair is doubtful.
     And even if do fix it, I will probably make it so it no longer reclines.
     And that's the news in the world tonight.

Monday, September 11, 2017


This is a hard day to forget

     It's hard to believe that 16 years ago the towers came down.
     I remember watching in black and white tv at school, thinking it looked more like a movie clip than real life.  There was no cable, and the picture was also pretty grainy.
     But the images were horrifying.
     It's good that there were so many memorial services.  Those who died that day should always be remembered.  And honored.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

I say, old chap

I went to a British car show today

     Unfortunately it was not in England, but it was at jolly old Harper College in the suburbs.
     It was a day to meet with long time friends, visit, have lunch, see the cars, and have a couple of cups of coffee.  Sort of.
     Every time I see a MG roadster, I wish I had one.  Just a little two seater, slung low to the ground, luggage rack on the back for those weekend trips into the country.  I would even take Jackie, although the wheelchair may pose a problem in getting it on the luggage rack.  Anyway.....
     I saw cars I did not know existed, like Hillmans and Morgans.  It was a great day.
     Lunch was good, the talk was good, the day was good.
     Now the coffee.  I had two cups.  Decaf.  The first cup went down my shirt and pants as for some reason I just dropped the cup.  That's why we don't have nice things in our house.
     The second cup was much better....didn't spill a drop!
     Here are some pictures, which I did not have to tell you because you all have above average intelligence and would have figured it out.

A Hillman

MG Limo

This has three wheels

A true mini Mini

Test drive??

Saturday, September 9, 2017

just wondering

I am certainly curious

Does God have Facebook?
Why is it called Twitter?
Why do singers close their eyes when they sing?
Why is it called jay-walking?
Are there more people upset with football players kneeling during the anthem or with people carrying nazi and/or confederate flags?
Why does my word processing program have so many different type faces?
Does this look different?
How about this?
Why don't sports teams lower ticket prices when the stadium is half empty, or even less?
Why are the entry ways to the tollway oasis restrooms so darn narrow?
Is Whoopi Goldberg in a Blue Cross/Blue Shield commercial?
Why can't I walk and drink hot tea at the same time?
Why didn't I notice I was wearing two left foot slippers for most of the day?
Why does the dog have to go out every time I sit down to eat?
Are you impressed that I underlined something?
Why don't we all just go to sleep.

Friday, September 8, 2017

tick, tock

I took my Swiss watch into a Swiss watch repair shop

      It's a nice watch.  Julia gave it to me her first or second year in Switzerland.
     The watch ran fine for over 2 years, then the battery died.  The next battery did not last as long.
     Now they last about 6 months.
     I took it to a kiosk in a Swiss store last December.  I told him it was broken, and tried to show him what was wrong.  He kept it for two days, then returned it with a new battery at a cost of about $61.
     It is dead again.  I think.
     It stopped running about a month ago.  Five days ago I reset it to the correct time and day and voila!  It works.
     I was going to have Emily take it with her, but I found a Swiss watch repair shop in LaGrange, just a block from my Starbucks stop on the way home from the zoo.
     I took my watch there today.
     I could explain the problem in English to someone who spoke English, which made the visit a lot easier.
     But he could not explain why the watch stops, then works.
     The only way to do that was to do an overhaul.  Approximate cost?  $200.
     He suggested I watch (no pun intended) to see when the timepiece stops working.  Does it get wet?  Is it near a magnet?
     I need to pay attention to when time stands still.
     The good news is, if I have it overhauled, that includes a new battery, which has a cost of about $50.
     Maybe I'll just give it to Julia and have her take it to a dealer in Switzerland.
     In either case, it will cost me to have my watch repaired.  And I do like it.
     In the meantime, I have a Timex that seems to keep fine time.
    And yes, us older folk like a watch on our wrist.  So don't suggest going without.
     Hey, I better go to bed.  Evidently it is 3:30.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

back in the saddle, again

I rode my bike today

     Now that may not seem like a big deal, but I have not ridden since around July 4.
     That was when my heart doctor's office nurse called and said there was a little blimp in my plumbing system.  And she did say I could ride my bike, just to take it easy.
     Well, old Gandolf (yes, I named my bike.  And yes, it is based on the Ring trilogy.) seemed to take a very threatening stance after that comment.  I swear, there was a skull and crossbones in the spokes and flames coming out of the handle bars.
     Take it easy.
      I'm glad I did not know I had a problem for the MS bike ride.  John and I rode 15 miles, into a 90 mph wind!  I had to pump hard just to stand still!  Carrie, being younger and more fit, rode 35 with that wind.  But I am no spring chicken, so 15 was fine.
     But it was taxing.
     Take it easy.
     Well, I had to take it easy today.  I managed 4 miles, but my butt was dragging by the time I got back home.
     I did two laps around the subdivision....not exactly Tour de France level, but it was 4 more than I had ridden over the past 5 weeks.
     It felt good.  Hopefully, Saturday will offer a good opportunity to take a longer ride.  Maybe 5 miles.  Taking it easy.
     With that, I bid you all adieu.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

wolfbane, anyone?

I do remember some stuff from my youth

Whether a man be pure at heart
and say his prayers by night
may turn into a wolf
when the wolfbane blooms
and the Autumn moon is bright
Yooooooooooowlll.  yep, yit, yooooooowllll!

     Spell checker should have a lot of fun with that.
     I use the blogspot program and the spell checker is weird.  Everytime I type learned, as I learned that in school, it tells me it is spelled wrong.  It should be learn ed.  I beg to differ.
    It also tells me prize is spelled incorrectly.  And tonight it is telling me that spelled is wrong!
    You want to screw with an old guys mind?  Invent technology that goes against the hundreds of years of learning to do things the same way.
     I can't text because the keys are too small for my suddenly gigantic fingers.  And when I flip the phone sideways to create a bigger keyboard, it will not flip.  It only flips when I go to read a message and I have it sideways.  But if I go to type, it reverts to the narrow keyboard.  Texting takes me forever.
     Tonight there is a possibility of seeing the northern lights.  I will go look, but like the meteor showers, the blood moon, the asteroid that came within two inches of earth, and the government airplanes spraying chemicals over the clouds to create monstrous storms, I don't believe it will happen.
     That being said, it is time for bed.  I may make it before 11 tonight, ending a streak of 11,459 days of staying up past 11.
     That may be an exaggeration, which could be spelled wrong.  I am no longer sure.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Peter, paul and mary

I'm not leaving on a jet plane

    But the kids are.
    I don't know why I always get so nervous when people fly.  I lay awake at night worrying.  Call me crazy, but that's how I am.
    We got to the airport 3 hours before boarding.  Plenty of time to get though the nonexistent security lines before boarding time.
    This was a late flight....10:25 or so.  Usually when Jackie and I leave, our plane takes off at 5 p.m., but we go through Zurich and they went through Copenhagen.  Everybody ends up in the same spot, Geneva.
    They had a load of luggage!  Julia orders stuff for us to schlep over, and schlep they did.  Sheets, a rug, clothes, linens, shower liner.  Of course most of the items had the image of a certain mouse on them.  I think she has the entire Disney catalog in Switzerland.
    Emily was very concerned that I knew how to get home.  I guess she remembers the last time I was unaccompanied at the airport with the directions to circle and park, but I ended up going down Mannheim to some car rental lot, where I had to make a U turn and figure out how to re-enter O'Hare.(To be honest, that is a fear of mine...that one day I will go to town and will be found in downtown Memphis, looking for my house.  Seriously.)
    I did not get lost tonight.  I made it out of the airport, down 294 onto 88 and back to Rochelle with only one stop, that to get a little supper.
    Explain to me why I have to stop three times on the way to the zoo for a bathroom break, but I had just as much liquid today and did not have to stop at all!
    The bladder is a mystery.
    Safe travels, John and Emily.  And have fun with Julia.  And Julia, have fun with your sister and send chocolate!!

Monday, September 4, 2017

take a chance, take a chance

I like ABBA

     But that is not the topic for the day.
     I cleaned out my little paper holder on the fridge.  That's the place we put coupons, raffle tickets, lottery tickets and other neat shtuff.
     I tossed out losing tickets for the Heritage Festival 50/50 drawing.  It was only $10 worth.
     I tossed out losing tickets for the Amboy Depot Days 50/50 drawing.  The prize last year was something like $130,000....but the winner this year only got $120,000.  That is her prize.  I spent $10 there.
     Then I started looking at my lottery tickets.  I never check the numbers.  I figure if someone from Rochelle wins, then I will check.  But since I buy my tickets in town, I never check numbers.  Never.
     So today, I started checking numbers.  I hoped I would win at least a dolloar or two.  Out of the 13 Powerball games I played I had one (1) number.  That cost me $26.
     Out of the five MegaMillions I had.....zilch, zero, nada, nil.  That was $5.
     So out of the $51 I spent on lottery tickets, I won nothing.
     But for a while I did get to dream about what I would do with all my money.
     And the $51 was over a three month span, so I guess that isn't so bad.
     The rub is..... I am a pessimist!  I always look on the negative side. Yet here I am, buying lotto tickets, always expecting to win.  And I am not counting the weekly Rotary lotto, or the side of beef lotto, or the other games I have tossed money at.
    I always think I will win.
    Am I a pessimist?  Optimist? Or fool?
    I just hope I remember to get my Booster Days raffle tickets tomorrow.    Somebody has to win, and I know it will be me!
     Guess I answered my own question.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

I think I did, once

Memory is a funny thing

     As I was standing under the hot water in the shower, I had a memory surface.       It was about a time when Steve owned a two flat, or a three flat, and his sister rented one of the floors.
     This was years ago....and I had buried that memory.  I thought I just learned that he had a sister, but I guess I knew.  Just wasn't on the top floor.
     I also remembered an incident with Marc....whom I have not seen for 50 years until Saturday night.
     We were maybe sophomores in high school and decided to go to the Riviera, a movie house up near Lawrence and Broadway in Chicago.  Now it's a music venue, but back then it was a theater.  It wasn't opulent like the Uptown, but serviceable.
     It must have been a James Bond film we went to see.
     There were two cute girls working the concession stand.  I tried flirting, but I was not very good at it.  It's hard to flirt when you are shy.
     After the show, Marc and I opted for the L to Belmont, where we would change for what was then the Ravenswood.  Now it's the Brown Line.
     We were sitting on the first train when the two girls got on and sat at the other end of the car.
     It was either early fall or late spring.  Jacket weather.  I remember because Marc had these white gloves in his coat pocket.  It was not glove weather.
Anyway, I got up, went to the back and started talking to the girls.  I told them we were nice guys, blah blah blah.
     Before we got to Belmont, I told them that my friend wanted to join us.  Then I cautioned them that he was a little strange, but not to worry unless he put on gloves.
     We all got on the Ravenswood train and were sitting across from each other.  Marc and I were doing our best but it wasn't going well.  All of a sudden Marc reached into his pocket and pulled out his gloves!
     The girls got silent and I just leaned back and said, "Uh you've done it.  Marc, stay calm."
    The girls had a horrified look on their faces, Marc had a confused look and I just started laughing.
     The curly red headed girl captured my heart.  Sure, her stop was two after Montrose, but I rode with her and then walked her home.
     She did give me her phone number and as we stood in front of her house, I knew this was the girl I was going to spend the rest of my life with.
     The next day, when I called her, I figured she must have mixed up the numbers because nobody knew her.
     And when I tried to find her house, they all looked the same.   But somehow I feel if I recognized it, the red headed love of my life wouldn't be there either.
     I don't remember going back to the Riviera after that.
     I just wish I had remembered that while talking with Marc......

Saturday, September 2, 2017

50 years ago

We went to a 50th anniversary celebration today

     Fifty years was a long time ago.
     The Cubs were rebuilding, leading up to the disastrous 1969 team, which blew a late season lead over the Mets.
     Man was not yet headed for the moon, although that was our goal.
     The Bears drafted Gayle Sayers and Dick Butkus, two darn good football players.
     Thousands of young people went to San Francisco, many with flowers in their hair.
     And my friends Frank and Barb got married.
     They had a celebration tonight, and I saw people I have not seen in....well, 50 years!
     I met the sister of a friend.  That was a big surprise, because up until recently I didn't know he had a sister.  I always thought he was an only child but he is not.  I must have missed that memo while growing up.
     One of the guys from the "good ole days" is in the cinema field in California.  He hasn't changed much, I still recognized him.  And folks, that is kind of a miracle.
     Long time friends of the bride and groom and us were there....and it was great catching up with them, although we really didn't have a lot of time to talk. (Marilyn....  My nose is fine, thanks for thinking of me.  Check your fingers.)
     We grew up together, went to class together, played alley baseball and football together and warped each others minds during those formative teen years.
     And there were friends there who I still do things with, like camping and baseball games and promising to get together again soon.   With so much time on our hands, we always seem too busy to do that.
     A couple of people were supposed to come, but didn't.  And another oldy but goody could not attend.....or didn't want to.
     Good food, great cake, fine dancing, (No Beth, I did not dance.  Too much junk in my trunk, if you get the drift.) and the best part, celebrating a couple's 50 years of love.
     What a nice evening.

Friday, September 1, 2017

who is who

I can't tell people apart

     I know, not this drivel again.
     But it drives me nuts.
     I was watching Hard Days Night and I could not tell who was Paul and who was John.
     Granted, the movie is 40 plus years old, and people do change.   But I could not tell them apart then, let alone 40 years later.
     I think I knew them by the end of the movie, but I am not positive.
     Watching it was a great experience!  It brought me back to the 1960s, the good part with the British Invasion and all the great music it brought to the colonies.
     And the boys looked like they were having so much fun making the movie... brings pains to my heart that they broke up, and John and George are dead.  Paul is in his 70s, and now I wish I had seen him when he was here a month ago.
     During those crazy 60s, two groups dominated the music scene:  The Beatles and the Stones.
     Who would have thought back then that the Stones would still be rolling along, although they too have been hit by death.  Didn't Mick die years ago, or does he just look dead?  At least he is thin.  Still.
     When  I have time I want to watch  Help and the Ron Howard film on the Beatles, which was in theaters last year.
     Maybe it's because the older I get the more clingy I get to things in my youth that pleased me, but whenever the Beatles or the Stones come on the radio, I have to crank it up....and sing along.  Even if I don't remember all the words.