Tuesday, January 31, 2017

strange....that's all

Sometimes things seem strange

   Like today.  Came home from Jackie's hair appointment and the road in front of our house was filled with tire tracks.
   You could see where people pulled out of their driveways, including mine.  But the road was not wet.  We drove all the way to the end, and it was the same.  You could even see the path the postal person went.  (See how PC I am being?  Instead of a mail man, mail woman, mail person, mail delivery person, I used postal person, which sounds totally wrong.  Sorry.)
   I repeat....the road was not wet, or slippery.
   At night we see people stopping in the park, sometimes even at 11 p.m.  They may be using the phone, but I suspect they are using the restroom.  There are no lights, so how do they see?  Furthermore, why bother using the darkened bathroom when there are so many trees around?
   We are not letting Corki out in the back yard right now.  We have some deer visiting us, and they leave behind piles.  Corki seems to think those are a special treat.
   I heard about a virus going around called the neck virus.  No, it does not cause you to suddenly start kissing someone near you, but it causes your neck to hurt and you feel crappy for four or five days.  Your neck becomes so sore you can't turn it.  And you cough.  And cough.  And feel miserable.
   I have a 500 piece puzzle.  I can't find a piece that has lots of brown on it.  It fits in the middle of a row of brown.  None of the pieces I have left have brown on them.  Why do I always think something is missing?
   Why am I wearing two sweatshirts and drinking a hot toddy?
   Why do I always feel a nose hair but can never find it?  Do these suckers become invisible with age?
   That's it.

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