Tuesday, January 10, 2017

don't call me

I am so tired of telemarketers

      I registered on the do not call list, but I guess I have to do that again.
     We get 5 or 6 calls a day......and if I don't recognize the number, I am not answering.
     So if you call me, and we don't answer, leave a message and we will call you back.
     I know people have to make a living and working for a call center is one way, but good grief!  I don't want to lower my Com Ed rates, get a better credit card rating, update my PC over the phone, or any of the other crappy offers they seem to peddle.
     I just want to be left alone by telemarketers.
     Carl Hiaason is a Florida newspaper guy and an author.  He wrote a dark comedy novel about a guy who was harassed by a telemarketer and by doing a bit of detective work, tracked them down.
     It was funny....but I am not going to do that.
     I just won't answer.

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