Monday, January 23, 2017

going with the flow

Sometimes I just roll along

     Vince Guarlaldi, and I probably butchered that name, did the music for the Charlie Brown shows.  He also did an album called "Cast Your Fate to the Wind," which I loved in high school.  Actually still do, come to think of it.
     FYI.....back in those days we bought these round discs made of plastic and put them on a round rubberized thinga ma bob that spun around.  An arm with a diamond point needle was placed on the plastic and voila!!  Music!
     Sorry, I digressed.
     I sometimes think if I just wait long enough to make a decision, fate will step in and decide for me...casting my own fate to the wind.  (Fate without an e is just fat!)
     I know it's not a great way to decide, but it  beats rolling dice.
     For instance, my dream of being a travel writer seems to shrink with every passing day.  That's ok, it will all be in my travel book.  I will write that after the three others I am not working on get finished.
     Jackie, the fam and I went through Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge years ago and remember it was beautiful country amid t shirt shops.  Sort of like the Dells or Mackinaw Island and fudge shops.
     Anyway, in the travel section in the Trib Sunday there was a story updating everyone on how those areas are doing.
     One motel operator said she got a call from a client who asked if the mountains were still there or if they were all destroyed in the fire.
     I don't think I'd be as tactful in my answer.  She told the person they were damaged, but still there.
     And critics say our educational system is not top notch.
     Suddenly I feel a breeze....must be time for a decision.

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