Wednesday, January 4, 2017

don't worry, be happy

This is a bad night for me

     I was up at some unholy hour today, like 2 or 2:30.  I played spider solitaire for an hour and just did stuff on the Internet.  No, porn was not involved.
     I finally went to bed around 4....and slept, fitfully, until 9 or so.
     I get like this when Julia leaves....and that's what she does Thursday.
     I really hate leaving day.
     Yes, I get misty eyed.  Yes, I get sad.
     I don't know how much I will sleep.  I'm tired, but not sleepy....if that makes any sense.
     I'll do my usual walk around the house tomorrow night, looking for signs of her and piling p Christmas decorations on the dining room table.
     It's a hard time for me.
     And I think it will be hard on Jackie too.  She can't make the trip to the airport, which has been our custom for 14 years.  But the cold, her leg, the luggage, the walking.....all are pointers for her to stay home.
     Truthfully, that's why I hate it when the holidays end.

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