Monday, January 9, 2017

ho hum

This was kind of a dreary day

     Yes, we had doctor appointments.......and I have to lose 5 pounds by my next visit.
     So tonight I finished off a bunch of stuff that had not been eaten in the last two weeks.  Pardon me while I burp.
     I took down the outside lights, another reason why it's dreary.  The lights added some joy, but every season has its end.
     Luckily I took them down before the light dusting, otherwise they would be all wet and messy.  Instead, they are dry and messy.  I just can't figure how to store them.  Rolling them into balls does not work.  Neatly folding them does not work.  Just tossing them in a box isn't a great idea either.  Oh well....
     This was just a blah day.
     Hopefully tomorrow will be a little cheerier and exciting.

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