Friday, January 13, 2017

whoa, nelly!

I have a solution to the unemployment problem

    It's a very simple solution.
    Ban cars and trucks.
    The number of workers in the auto industry is going down due to robotic technology, plus a lot of cars are not made in the USA anyway.
    So ban all cars and trucks.
    Require that everything be delivered, and people transported, by horse or train.
    Think of the jobs we can create!
    Harness makers will be needed to fix the reins and saddles of horses.
    Wheel makers to make the wooden wheels for the carriages.
    Blacksmiths to make horse shoes for all the horses
    Stable men and women to house the horses, comb them, curry them, and feed them.
    And most importantly, shit shovelers.  Think of New York without cars, but thousands of horses instead.  Wonder why the older homes were called brownstones?  Horse excrement, my friends.
    Most of these jobs don't require college educations, although I knew some people  who have a PH D in shit shoveling, but they could be supervisors.  The jobs do require training however, but that could easily be accomplished.
     We can put millions of people to work in the horse excrement industry, from shoveling to carting, to burying.....or do you not bury it?  What happens to horse manure?  I guess you could use it for fertilizer.  Or something.
     Anyway, when I finally announce my intention of running for federal office, banning cars will be number one on my campaign promise list.
     Might even be a campaign slogan:  Bring back manure!  or something like that.
       Or:     Let's make our streets shitty again.
     Something to think about.  Just don't do it for long.

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