Thursday, January 12, 2017

time for reinvention

I need to do things differently

     The Christmas cookies are almost all gone.  This is actually a record, I don't remember them ever staying around past Jan. 1.
     Jackie makes a cookie called a crescent.  It has walnuts in it.  It is crescent shaped and I really like them.  Jackie really likes them.  Until this year.
     Someone picked up a package of black walnuts to use in the recipe.  I did not know they have a different flavor than regular walnuts.  But they do.  Much stronger.
     So, I was the only one who seemed to like them..... but next year I am getting regular walnuts.
     I also am close to finishing my annual package of Mallomars.  These are a New York area treat commonly found at Christmas.  If I remember the story, the cookies are made in Canada and don't hold up well in heat, so they are only made during the winter.
     My package was on top of the microwave.
     Did you know if you run a microwave a lot it creates heat?
     Some of my Mallomars, that don't like heat, melted together.  But I still ate them, in fact I have two left.
     So now I have to reinvent myself.  Less cookies, more exercise, more writing, less solitaire and Facebook time.......  a new me, in other words.
     Will I be successful??
     I'll let you know.
     But based on my past lives....I'll be writing the same thing next year at this time.   Hopefully.

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