Friday, January 6, 2017

I am stunned

I just don't get it

     Another shooting, more outrage, more innocent people gunned down in public, doing nothing more than claiming their luggage.
     Yes, all the rules were followed.  The killer put his gun in checked luggage. He followed the rules.
     But can someone explain to me why?
     Why is our country constantly examining the problem but not offering solutions?
     Why do we have a society where young people tie up and torture a mentally disabled man, and broadcast it?
     Why do we have groups of youths fighting in malls?
     Why do we constantly hear reports of shootings involving gang members aiming for groups of people, hoping to hit an opposing member?
     Why do we have reports of police shooting unarmed men?
     Why do we have cases of police being shot?
     What is wrong with us?
     No other country in the world seems to have the problems with firearms that we have.
     No other country at peace seems to have the propensity for violence that we have.
     Is it constant exposure to violence, either on tv, in the movies, or in video games?
     Is it our acceptance, even encouragement, of violence?  And yes, encouragement.  We cheer for a hockey fight.  We relish a bench clearing incident in baseball.  We elevate street fighting to a championship level.
     Something is wrong with us.
     I hope someone knows how to fix it, before it is too late for all of us.
     If I lived in Canada, I would be demanding that the United States build a wall to keep the violence out of their country.
     I just don't understand.



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