Wednesday, January 18, 2017

don't look at me

I heard a report about money yesterday

    Oxfam International said that 8 people hold the equivalent of 3.6 billion people in our world!  Think of that!  Eight people have as much money as 3.6 billion people.
    Of course, they are talking mainly about people in very poor countries, where people may make $1 a day.  High populations, small wages, contribute to that imbalance.
     Oxfam also reported that the rich are getting richer at a faster pace than the rest of us.  They predicted that the world will see its first tiillionaire sometime in the next 25 years.
     To put that kind of wealth in perspective, you would have to spend $1 million a day for 2,738 years to spend a trillion dollars.
    It's a crazy world, where a baseball player can earn more in one season than a teacher can earn in a lifetime of being in the classroom.
    I always wonder how much is enough?
    If you are a baseball player playing in a town that loves you, does it matter if you make 13, 15 or 9 million dollars a year?  Even 2 mill is a heck of a lot of money.. more than most of us will ever need.
     I guess I am still thinking of Hetty Green from yesterday, and a former student's visit to Biltmore in North Carolina.
    I'm not a socialist.  But I sometimes think the rich are getting a pretty good deal, and the rest of us are not.
     Now, I am going to work on that book so I can sell it and become an overnight millionaire, with  a best seller, movie deal, play written by my friend Luke based on the novel, even a musical!
     And to think.... you all knew me when.

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