Friday, January 27, 2017

getting there, slowly

I have been working all day

   Well, except for the break at 2 and the one at 5.  Other than that, I have been really, really busy.
   I cleaned house.  Dusted.  Vacuumed.  Did toilets.  Brought in the garbage can.
   I did not get to the den, which is the pits.  Papers everywhere.
   I have an electronic thermometer on the desk in the den.  About two weeks ago I dropped it and picked it up.
   Since then every afternoon at 3:42 and alarm goes off.  I don't know how I set it, I can't seem to figure out how to undo it.
   It beeps.  And beeps.  I finally hit all the buttons and it stops,  at least for 24 hours.
   There has been a three pronged plug sitting on my counter for weeks.  I thought it was Julia's, but she said it wasn't.  (On a side note, Julia, if you read this....apologize to Celine for me.  I had some of the candy I stole from her and it is absolutely delicious!  Best part:  Mom doesn't like it!!  It's all mine!!!)
   I found the plug in our van when I cleaned it out for the new owners.  I don't know where it came from.  Very strange.
   I also worked on my puzzle.  I am making progress, but it is slow.  I plan to be done before opening day.  It's funny....I can look and look for a piece and as soon as I stop, I find it while looking for a different piece.  I find a magnifying glass helps.  But damn....I have a problem with the left edge.  There seems to be a piece not there and I have a straight piece that does not fit.  There is something I am not seeing and it is driving me nuts.  I know, some people say it's not a drive for me, just a short putt.
    I also have a road map of Vermont and one of Pennsylvania.  I love maps.  That is my problem, I have them and really don't need them but can't seem to toss them because I do believe I will  be  back in Vermont and Pennsylvania some day.
     Oh well.  Some decisions are best done on a full night's sleep.
     Starting now.

I have no idea where it came from or where it goes!  Any clues??

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