Saturday, January 21, 2017

har de har har

I saw a comedy show tonight

   MooNiE and Broon.
    I know....who!?!
   These guys perform at the Ren Faire in Bristol, Wisconsin.  MooNiE the Magnificent does a combination juggling, tight roping act....and he does it by whistling to communicate.  I have seen Moonie a couple of times and he is pretty funny.
    Broon also performs at the faire, but I have not seen his show.
    So tonight Emily, John, Camryn and I made the trek to Lake Forest to watch their show.  It was part of my Christmas present.
    It was very funny.  Broon did a solo bit.  MooNiE did a solo bit.  The second half, they worked together.
    It was a great night.
    You can tell these two guys like each other.....they were super together on stage.
    It's late.  I am still chuckling.
    Good night.

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