Monday, January 16, 2017

add....more than math

I have a problem completing tasks

     I get easily distracted.  Sidetracked.  Off task.
     I leave things unfinished, cabinets open, doors slightly ajar.  (How can a door be a jar??  English is a funny language.)
     So why is my family punishing me?
     How so, you ask?
     By giving me a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle of Wrigley Field.
     500 pieces.  500!!
     This brings out all my fears.
     What if they left out  a piece or two?
     How do know they did not mix up two puzzles at the puzzle factory?
     How can I possibly finish this in my lifetime??
     What if I lose a piece or the dog eats a piece?
     All of those fears are justified.
     I worked up the courage to start today.
     I set up a couple of tables downstairs and started working.
     An hour and a half flew by and I had a grand total of 15 pieces assembled.
     Only 485 to go.

Here's the look of a confident, self assured person about to embark on a challenge

Some of the puzzle pieces don't have colors!!

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