Saturday, January 7, 2017

thanks for the belt

Some friends and loved ones have had close calls lately

     A head on crash on a Caribbean island while on vacation.  Stuck between other cars and accordioned.  Rolled over twice while traveling in Wisconsin.
     No injuries are minor, but everyone involved walked away alive, although bruised, broken, and frightened.  But alive.
     I wonder how many lives seat belts save every year.
     I am of an age when we drove with just a lap belt, and it wasn't required that we used it.
     I also remember when laws were passed to make wearing a seat belt mandatory, some people complained it took away their right to make their own decisions.  I am sure some said it was a violation of their Constitutional rights, because not wearing a belt was a way to express your idiocy, which is a right, evidently.
     Turns out the seat belt law was a common sense measure that saves lives.
     Imagine that.  A common sense law that saves lives.
     Maybe lawmakers were just braver back then.  Or smarter.  Or both.
     But we need to make a change in the way we live, and die.  It's common sense.
     That's all I am going to say.
     Good night.  Sleep well.   Hug your families.

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