Tuesday, January 3, 2017

all teched out

I am considering moving to a remote island without electricity

    Technology is wreaking havoc on my psyche.
    I have  a new camera.  There are so many settings and options that it makes my head spin.  Metering choices, exposure choices, settings choices....... there goes my head again!
    Not to mention my cell phone, which takes me forever to figure out.  I still have trouble remembering how to empty my trash of deleted pictures so my camera memory isn't full.  I had the same lesson for the 10th time tonight.  Will I remember tomorrow?
    My computer.  I can't seem to navigate the maze of steps to create files in word, organize pictures in photos, find e mails in mail.......but I seem to have no problem finding spider solitaire.
    Speaking of spider solitaire..... I stopped playing last March.  Nine months I went, until Dec. 28.  Then for some reason, I started again.  I have to break off again because it is so addicting to me.
    We have a new car.  It is tech loaded.  I had to have lessons today on how to run the damn radio and cell phone!  Seriously, I just want to go from point A to point B.  Well, if I can figure out how to program the navigation system I can do that without getting lost.
    In the mean time I think I will go to bed.
    No tech involved in that.  Yet.

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