Wednesday, January 11, 2017

what to watch??

Sometimes I see rays of sunshine in small places

     I watch a lot of tv, usually sitcoms.  Mostly sitcoms.  Heck, I watch sitcoms.
     Some shows I like and watch regularly.
     Some shows I watch from time to time, but have no strong feelings either way.
    Some shows I find so incredibly stupid I can't even watch the previews.
    Some shows....well, I never have watched, so I may be missing some funny stuff.
    Tonight was a little weird.  I never watch Blackish.  Never.  I don't know why, except I watched the pilot or first episode and did not like the characters.  Maybe that is why.
     But when it came on tonight, I watched.
     I think it was the best half hour of tv I have seen in a long time.
     The topic was the election, and the rifts it has caused in our society.
     The show explored the anger from both sides, the angst from both sides, the unease both sides have.
     And it had an appeal to turn down the shouting, stop the name calling, and start talking.
     If you didn't see it, I highly encourage you to watch matter what candidate you backed.
     One of my all time favorite shows was West Wing;  I would have voted for Judd  (or Jedd?  not sure) Bartlett for president if he was a real person.
     Shortly after 9/11, the show devoted an episode to terrorism and why the US was targeted.  It answered questions we all had, and probably still have.  And no, it did not provide all the answers we would like to hear.
     Television is supposed to entertain us.  But when it also informs us, and teaches us, then I think that's a pretty cool thing.
     Marshall McLuhan would be smiling in his grave.

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