Thursday, January 19, 2017

what was that?????

I apologize for being so serious lately

    I can't blame it on cabin fever.  The weather has been warm enough to go outside and not have icicles form from the end of my nose.
    But I am suffering from a lack of physical exertion, and an inability to concentrate that seems greater than normal.
    Or sure, dusting the floors and doing the dishes counts as activity, but really.... I don't get physically tired, just mentally.
    I may be to blame for the warm weather and lack of snow.
    Two years ago I decided to get my snowshoes re-laced.  The ties were frayed, and one finally broke.
    So, $52 later, my snowshoes were ready to go.
    It has snowed 5 times since then.  Once I was busy, once I was sick, twice I was in Switzerland and I must have just been lazy for the fifth.  Or it was too cold.  Pick one.
    At this rate, my snowshoes....which cost $5 to begin with....will outlive me!
    Every year in January I tend to get grumpy as hell.  I think it has to do with a lack of sunshine and the general dreariness of the month.
    I am not as grumpy this year, but I am not a bubbling cauldron of joy either.
    I  notice that the keypad on my computer is a little smaller and sometimes I hit two letters with my big clumpy hands instead of the one I wanted to hit.
    Spell checker helps..... but it keeps telling me learned, as I learned it in school, is learn ed.  Go figure.
    I realized I have a couple of Cubans left!!  I had planned to smoke them when the Cubs won.... but I was dog sitting and plumb forgot!
    It's going to be warm this weekend, so maybe I will fire one up, pour some wine, and sit on the porch.
    If that plan does not result in snow, I don't know what will.

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