Saturday, January 14, 2017

where am I??

I went to a speech meet today

     It was in Sandwich.  Been there lots of times because of the antique market.
     Decided I would just follow the bus.
     But to be safe, I did a map route thing.  Go South on 39 to Paw Paw, in Paw Paw take Chicago Road to.....yada, yada, yada.
     For some reason, the number 34 was in my head.
     Well.....thank you enlarged prostate and a mug of tea....I had to visit the rest area on 39 just before the exit for Paw Paw.
    I got back on 39, got off at the Paw Paw exit,  and drove in the direction I thought was correct.  And I drove.  And I drove.
     It was before 7 a.m., so the sun was not yet up.
    And I drove.
    I found a high school.....but it was  not the right one.  In fact, it was not the right town.
     I ended up in Shabbona, about 20 miles north of where I got off.  I stopped at a Casey's General Store and asked for directions and proceeded to drive 20 miles south to the road I should have taken.  (Sounds like a Robert Frost poem...two roads diverged amidst the corn, which one to take I was torn...)
     I learned my lesson.  Until after the meet.
     Found a great place for coffee and tea in Sandwich...Belladonna's.... which is just off 34.  34 was in my head.
     So I got a coffee and a delicious croissant and went west on Mendota, which is 12 south of where I wanted to be.
     All in all, I made a huge triangular drive covering 687 miles, two states, four counties and sixteen rest stops.
    When I got home I discovered I wanted highway 24....a county road...not 34, a state road.
     Maybe I should just ask Siri next time.  It will be easier.

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