Monday, January 2, 2017

what's today?

I was really confused all day

     Today is Jan. 2.  The calendar indicates that.
     So watching the Rose Parade was a bit odd.  I kept thinking it was Jan. 1.  But there it was, on HGTV without commercials, on Jan. 2, and I watched most of it.
     I did have to look away to clean up after Corki.  She urped three times.  Why doesn't the dog want to barf on the paper and not on the floor?  I was confused.
     Julia hasn't felt well for a couple of days, and my stomach has been a little roiled, but I blame it on the wine and coffee I have been drinking.
     Corki had no excuse.  She has been off her feed for a couple of days.... maybe she has a little flu like issue.
     I also watched the last quarter of the Rose Bowl game.  That was pretty exciting!  I don't follow college football, but that was a great comeback by USC.  I think.
     I went into the basement to start putting away stuff, like boxes and wrapping paper.  If I said we had 22 rolls of wrapping paper, it would not be an exaggeration.  And they say I hoard stuff!!
     And I finally found our tissue paper, after going to the store twice to buy more.  I think we have a three year supply.
     Anyway, my metal shelves don't align the right way.  I find myself putting heavy boxes on the top because the shelves are too close on the bottom.  So I figure, take 5 minutes and move the one metal shelf.
     Thirty minutes later I finally got it off the brackets.  15 minutes later I got it back in place.  I was so frustrated, and tired, I gave up and went upstairs to play on the computer.
     Luckily I did not go to see the terra cotta warriors at the Field Museum.... but I do plan on going Sunday, the last day for the display.
     Nothing like waiting until the last minute.
      Now, to bed, perchance to sleep, and dream.

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